
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh my aching butt, back, arms, shoulders, abs, calves...

I did it folks. I started back at the gym on Sunday and took a Body Blaster class (well titled!) as my introduction back into the world of physical fitness. The gym I attend is a woman's only gym and even though I'm not one of the morbidly obese -- or even obese... you still can't help but single out the skinny chicks while you're walking in and secretly hope to force feed them butter! The class was great... I left there sweating, exhausted, exhilirated, and all that other stuff. I'm on my way to being where I want to be again....

Then day 2 hit.. that would be my Monday class -- Step and Sweat -- also title was very suitable. Only, they need to say -- hey...are you new? well, don't even try this. I was a girl that took jazz, tap, ballet, gymnastics... I know dancing... i can follow routines but these freakin step classes are for THE BIRDS! I got the standard one foot up, second foot up, one foot down, second foot down. Piece of cake... then they start throwing in mambos... boomerang (WTF is a boomerang? I thought it was a movie or a piece of wood they used in Australia to mess with stupid Americans!)... and they're like walking "Travelling" as they call it from front to back...straddle.. ok... got that... after all -- who hasn't had to pee in the wilderness... you learn the straddle quite well in those situations. But when you're trying to follow someone else's lead and then they do some fancy turn, stomp stomp, single, repeater, boomerang crap...then everyone is facing you and you just stop and smile watching her feet. I tell you... I've never felt so COMPLETELY uncoordinated in my life. Ever seen Houseguest with Goldie Hawn when she took the "dance" class... that was WAY tame compared to me! :)

Then Tuesday rolls around... the good ole guts and butts class... OUCH... needless to say I didn't make it up at 5:30 am today for my 5:45-6:45 body blaster class this morning... this sore, tired, decreped old geezer needed some R&R!

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