
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Drew turned two - and my sister caused a scene (shocker!)

Today the littliest Driggers turned the big T-W-O. Hard to believe it'd been two years since the day I thought I was going to explode -- this girl got HUGE. We started out the day great.. breakfast... I'd decorated the night before with some streamers and "Happy Birthday" sign so that it was something fun to wake up to. I think that will be an annual tradition for anyone who has a birthday -- make waking up on their birthday somethign extra special. IT's always nice to start your day off with a surprise.

So we get breakfast cleaned up and then get packed up to head off to the park for our cupcake social (with my playgroup) at the park. My sister and her 3 come soon after. The kids play... and eventually have some pb&j sandwiches, juiceboxes, and cupcakes... then play some more. They'd installed a nice sandbox since the last time I was there and I should have brought some toys for Drew to play with... he was getting quite sleepy and wanted to play in the sandbox... with the other kids' toys... but his friends wanted to sing happy birthday to him... so I retrieved his sandy bootie from the box and held him while he welcomed them with a wail and he cried in chorus to happy birthday to Drew.... it was naptime. It was quite fun. My playgroup are good people with great spirits and great attitudes!

We come home, put the little man to bed and I proceed to decorate his cake. It came out quite cute I think! Once I learn how to put photos in my blog, it'll be better! I started getting everythign ready for the party. I had Josh and Thorin help me hang streamers and just get things taken care of.

Drew was only turning two so I wasn't going to have a huge party... I bought some Buzz/Woody balloons off e-bay and then some regular ones because balloons just make the atmosphere more festive. I went and picked those up... I'd made a tetrazzini the night before and had it in the refrigerator ready to pop in the oven before the guests arrived... I made a fresh loaf of french bread and a salad. That should have been plenty. But, I knew my sister's kids... I knew they wouldn't eat anything I made SO... remembering a prior conversation with either my dad or my sister I decided to make something special so I didn't have to listen to anyone whining about having to eat bad food. So, I asked Thorin (because I already knew Sorenna was going to say she didn't want whatever it was I was going to offer her) specifically.. Thorin, I made a casserole for dinner that I don't think you girls will want to eat so I bought something extra special to make JUST FOR YOU for dinner, would you like to see? She said (very excitedly -- YES) so I showed her the egg noodles and plain spaghetti sauce I bought just for them... and I asked would you like me to make this special just for you? She said, "oh yes, thank you very much".... Sorenna piped from across the room, I don't like that, I don't want to eaet it. I'd had enough of her lip so I just looked at her and said, Well, girlie girl, I wasn't talking to you was I? NO, I was talking to your sister. I just looked at my dad after that and rolled my eyes... he just gave a shrug.

So... the only invitees were immediate family and my cousin and her kiddo. Everyone arrives, we start making the kids plates. Dad knows that Sorenna won't eat anything I make but he said...get me a bowl... I'm going to make her some butter noodles. They have them at their house all the time and so at least she'll eat something. I gave him the butter and the noodles and away he went mixing. Sorenna was actually EXCITED to eat something at my house (other than McDonald's chicken sandwiches)... I was a night with no meal struggles... a great day! My mom made Thorin's plate -- she forgot to give her the noodles and spaghetti sauce so she said to me as sweet as she can, "Auntie, I think whoever made my plate forgot to give me the noodles like Sorenna has -- I don't want this." I just said, "you'll have to go ask your mom".... since no one is allowed to make any decisions concerning those 3 kids... it all has to be run through Hitler. So she went to ask my sister who then let her volume escalate greater and greater until she was literally screaming at her two girls...??? She made a HUGE scene... she told Thorin, no that she didn't get butter noodles like Sorenna, that she will eat what's on her plate or she gets NO CAKE...and then she took Sorenna's bowl and told her.... eat this but unless you eat the other stuff NO CAKE... so my mom said, it's no big deal, I'll just make Thorin some butter noodles too and it'll all be good... so my sister -- in her highest voice ever was like "why doesn't everyone just feed my kids for me?" and went storming into the kitchen. Like her kid having freaking butter noodles instead of tetrazzini was a big freaking deal. She was a GUEST AT A PARTY in MY HOME and had NO RIGHT to cause such an embarrassing scene. Thing is, Thorin just wanted the different pasta... she wanted what I told her I made special just for her...but my sister wouldn't let them eat what I made special for them. She had to have complete control and they had to do what she said... or NO CAKE... this resulted in both the girls crying and ruining everyone's start to dinner... thanks! EVERYONE -- and I'm talking EVERYONE was looking at one another in disbelief of the complete spectacle she made of herself. It was just SO utterly embarrassing to witness her tantrum.

Dinner was over... Josh put on a precious magic show -- I still have no idea how he did it... but it was quite entertaining -- I got it on video. He had a great time being the life of the party and the entertainment.... When Josh was finished, Thorin wanted all the attention so she performed "Grand Old Flag" while Sorenna (and Canon I think) danced. AFterwards we had some cake -- drew really didn'dt want anything to do with the cake... other than getting the toys off the top. :) But everyone else seemed to enjoy it.

He loved the big red car his Mimi and Pop got him... he loves his dump truck from Grandma and the puzzles from Pawpaw... I got him a lot of Toy Story figurines off e-bay and he loves LOVES those... went to sleep with his Buzz figurines that night.

My cousin Laura got him the cutest little Thomas push toy... you push in the top of the train and it zooms across the floor. cute cute! She was one of the firsts guests to arrive and he decided to tear open her gift first... LOL...before anyone even arrived... and tried to change clothes immediately to wear the little Thomas shirt she bought him. :) She just laughed and said, "I take it he likes the shirt?" LOL... I was like... yep. :) That's a good sign.

Drew didn't have a lot of interest in opening bags or gifts... he wanted to play with the one had in his grasp and don't try to take it away from him. It was SO cute! I think it took him over an hour to open all his gifts just because he took his time making sure they all got attention.

He was tuckered out and went to bed quite late... but it was a good day -- for the most part.

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