
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Thank you to my friends ...

for your outpouring of kind words and support to my email request for prayer for Josh and I through this time of loss:

If you would please say a prayer for Josh tonight and keep him in your prayers for the days to come. As most of you know our dog Boomer has lung cancer and unfortunately, his time has come. I have an appointment for him at the vet tomorrow at 5:30 to be put to rest.

As most of you know, Josh had a really hard time when we had to put Gidget down just 6 short weeks ago (skin cancer) so this coming so soon has just really shaken him up. Tonight, it just broke my heart when we spoke about it. He melted into my arms in a fit of tears asking if we can just keep him for one more day. I explained that it’s just selfish of us to keep him here with us when his body is just not working like it should anymore.

So, tomorrow at 5:15, I’ll be taking our beloved Boomer to the vet… so that he can join Gidget. It’s hard enough on me as this is really my first “baby”… and seeing the hurt in Josh’s eyes and knowing there’s nothing I can do to make that hurt go away… it’s just a killer. So if you don’t mind…. Please lift him up in prayers… I could probably use a few myself. This one is tough.

I wanted to capsulize the thoughts that came this way so that in case Josh ever wanted to know how he got through this... I can show him here how many people that we KNOW of that were praying for him....

Lisa Graham and family are praying for Josh

Gwen Kamm: I hope everything went okay today. I know it has to be hard on all of you to have 2 dogs put down in such a short period. That is one reason we put Amber and Becky down at the same time even though it probably wasn't really Becky's time. I just couldn't do it twice so close together. I'm around if you need to chat. My prayers to you and Josh

Judy Moreland: I am so sorry, honey! You are all in my prayers. It is such a hard lesson of life to learn, especially for a child. God bless you all.

Katrina Wright: Of course you both will be in our prayers! I am so sorry that you are going through this!

Cindy Green: Poor Josh...praying for him (and you)! Soooo sorry for your loss. Love ya!

Mona Seidl: I am so sorry for what you and Josh are going through! Dogs are like our children. We had a Siberian Husky, Bo, when we first got married. He was, in our opinion, the best dog in the world. After Morgan was born, we felt bad because we did not have any time to spend with Bo, so he went to live with Scott's sister in Kansas. He had a wonderful life there and was loved. When he passed away from cancer at the age of 14 human years, Sandy had him cremated and his ashes put in two separate containers. She has half and we have half, so that a part of Bo is always with us. You both are in our prayers!

Jan Fanning: I will be praying for you both!

Laura Goodwin: Oh April...I am so sorry. We will lift you both up in prayers. I know how hard this must be for you too. Please let us know if there is anything we can do you either of you. Laura

Bobbi Scoggin: My heart just breaks for all of you, especially Josh. Three months ago my 20 year old orange tabby, Ben died of lung cancer. Two weeks ago my 17 year old calico, Amie, had a stroke and died. She had loved him so much all her life, and I think she really died of a broken heart. Seeing them die is the worst part of having a pet.

Pattie Cagle: Oh my gosh. I will definitely be praying for all of you. I know how much you have always loved Boomer and Gidget. Give Josh a big hug for us and tell him that we love him. Hope to see you soon.

Angie Faver: You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!

Christie Williams: Aaww, girlie I'm so sorry

Sharon Driggers: April, you know you always are in my prayers, but it breaks my heart to see Josh hurt. Let me know what I can do.

Angela Allen: That is the saddest thing ever. I remember as a kid that I was more torn up about losing my childhood dog than my parents divorcing. I am still unable to talk about it today! I will be thinking of him. And you.

Laurie Pezzot: Absolutely – I am SO sorry!

Cherie Competero: That's so sad. I am sorry to hear about 'both' your dogs. I am also sorry for your son losing a good friend & family member. That's never easy no matter what age you are. I'll pray for you all. God Bless.

Sheri Tisdale: You and Josh will both be in my prayers. at times like these you really have to turn to God and find his strength to understand. i will send Josh a sympathy card and put a couple of key verses that he can remember to help him through.

Thank you to all that are praying and thinking of us behind the scenes too...

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