
Friday, January 12, 2007

May No and Fur

I played with Drew with play doh for like an hour today. We had such a good time. He calls it "may no". I'd roll it out with the little rolling pin... and then he'd get a cookie cutter out and put it down (I was teaching him the "good" side of the cookie cutters to cut with (sharper side)...and then he'd go "push push push". Then he'd pull the cookie cutter off... I'd peel the excess away and he'd pick up his little treasure and move it to the side. When we got quite a few on the little table... he'd wave both his little hands over all his little creations like he was performing some magic act and say, "momma -- look at awww dis.... dey sooo preeeeeetty." It was soo adorable...

Next funny story...

at dinner I was discussing with Josh about women shaving their legs... and how I'm really lucky because not only do I not have thick hair on my legs but I only have to shave the bottom half of my leg... it was a big discussions about razors, etc. I told him how my sister, his "auntie"... her legs were like the bottom of mine all the way up to her thigh... I'd hate that... and he said... so you don't have fur like her... Fur? Yikes! LOL... No, mommy doesn't have FUR!

I had to go grocery shopping tonight ... in the freezing rain... UGH... it's 9:45... I fear strep is ruining my evening... going to bed. Anytime I get around any kids that have it... my body just can't fight it off.. it's maddening!!! I can fight off colds, the flu even... strep... and my body just invites it in. I hate having a sore throat. waah waah waah... lol...

My new insurance should be kicking in so hopefully I'll get my cards and can keep my Rx updated...otherwise PMS and no Lexapro should be interesting! LOL....

GWEN -- have a GREAT TRIP to Florida!!! I got my vacation booked for the Fall! :) We can trade photo secrets!! OK... off to bed... Oh... one last note.. Josh's new favorite show are reruns of SAVED BY THE BELL! LOL... I'd never seen an episode of that until about a month ago... did people REALLY watch that? Blech!!!

Nite all... sweet dreams... stay warm and safe... ice storm supposedly blowing in tonight... I've got my 'lectric blankie on... about to drink some Theraflu, eat a cough drop and zzzzzzz off to la la land -- it's nice there, they know me.

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