
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Basura pick up

Today was our Cub Scout Pack's community service event. I took my little scout to pick up trash along the designated clean up route our Pack had adopted. It was actually an enjoyable time although I didn't feel 100% still... I went from having food poisoning to feeling like I had strep throat to just a full blown cold. But, for the good of the Pack... we were there! I came back, picked up Drew-dles and off to the park we went. The City of Keller provided a hot dog lunch, the boys played on the playground and then we all walked along the creek bank searching for turtles. We found one HUGE alligator snapping turtle... I'm talking HUGE. I couldn't believe how big this tortuga was! Holy moses batman!

So, bring them home, let the little one nap, then off to pick up a birthday gift for a party Josh was attending later. I LOVE The Learning Express Toy Company in Southlake. It's FANTASTIC! We bought Josh some new Crocs with some new Jibbitz (sp?) to go in them. He bought himself a new gorilla Webkinz and I got two new puzzles for Drew. They wrapped up the gifts for his friend and off we went. Boy it's nap time for mommy too!

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Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.