
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our first accident in weeks....

Yes, Drew is potty trained! He’s TRAINED!!!! But (there is always some big BUTT in there somewhere isn't there?) we had our first “accident” in WEEKS yesterday… However, in Drew's defense he had an upset tummy and it was his first day wearing pants with a snap/zipper since like January or something… it was a comedy of errors…

It’s 20 minutes until gymnastics start so I’m like, Drew go upstairs and get changed into some shorts. Tick tock tick tock tick tock.. .no Drew…

“Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww… come on”…

“I can’t, I got poo poo”

“then GO POO POO”

“No, I got poo poo in my pants”

“what? Ok, I’m coming”

Here I go, up the stairs… and he’s at the top of the stairs with Batman underwear full of poop… so we cautiously waddle into the bathroom where I try to gingerly pull them down without soiling his legs, etc. Good idea? In theory… I said, where does poop go? “in duh toilet” is the reply and he tries to sit down on the seat which throws off my progress and poop winds up down one leg… so now we have poop in the drawers (underwear), on his leg and now on the toilet seat and as he’s sliding back off… his foot slips.. poop on the foot. I say, “UGH…oh no, we need to take off those socks now” so what does he do? You guessed it… sits bare butt down right on the tile… so now I just mutter under my breath, we need to give you a quick bath… he points at the tub… and I’m like YES use that to brace yourself… “Yes, hold it”… what does he hold? His penis! He grabs his penis? Like “it” automatically means THAT!

LOL… talk about a CRAZY DAY…

YES we did make it to gymnastics…
and YES we were late… LOL

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious! Oh I'm so not looking forward to potty training! Ok I totally just got sucked into reading your blog - I don't have time, I have a million things to do today - but your writing is great! I'm glad you left me a comment/tagged me, happy to have found you! Are you also a Texan? Just curious since I saw Shiner is one of your favorite things. :-)


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.