
Saturday, March 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I was TAGGED my fellow Bad Girl Rachel. Bad Girl you ask... what's that? If you have to ask... you just need to take the time to check it out. It's a different kind of kit club -- and the DT leaves me drooling. Check it out... (And yes, you need to check out Rachel's work -- she's got quite the artistic eye... her collage effect on her lo's makes me envious!) Doodlebug4444 is her name there. ;)

Any-who - here is my response to her tag!

You have to post a fact that starts with each letter of your middle name. Then you tag a person for each letter. If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name.

My Middle name is RENE

R - I love the ROCKY Mountains. I lived in Colorado for several years. It was, hands down, my most favorite place on the planet. I was never so active and outdoors. I knew my cardinal directions there! (The mountains were always West where I lived -- made me feel so smart!) I love the cool mountain evenings... the snow... the drive to work every day was just a treat because you got to see Pike's Peak every day... what an amazing, majestic site. I found these two top pictures just surfing the net ...

but THIS one is from my friend Bob Falcone's site -- he's an amateur photographer (but is more "professional" than amateur. :) in my humble opinion! You need to check out his website/photography... it's AMAZING!

or this one (he did as well) it's at the Garden of the Gods... after a snowfall -- I mean, is this not BEAUTIFUL!?!
Thanks Bob for letting me use your goodies on my blog! Again, another shameless plug for his work -- you should go see it yourself! He is also a fire investigator for the Pueblo FD in Colorado so he's got some cool fire shots!

E - I'm Energetic! When I worked as a Communications Shift Supervisor (I was a 911 operator... police dispatcher... fire/EMS dispatcher and in charge of the personnel on my shift -- midnights) at the El Paso County Sheriff's they used to call me "ritilin girl" because I was the only one that had a bundle of energy at 2 am. That's when one Dr. Pepper would literally make me bounce off the walls. But, I kept everyone entertained! :)

N - I love things NEAT and organized. I'm obsessive compulsive I think -- if I had to give it a label but to me it's just silly NOT to be that way because why spend all this time looking for something that if you were neat and organized, you'd know right where it was? See, so it's my way of circumventing stress and drama. :) Now if I can only explain to my 3 year old how it's important to him because it's important to ME! Ha! I'm kind of like that guy on Sleeping With The Enemy (ha ha ha)

E - Estes Park - This is the most beautiful place on the PLANET! I took Drew here 2 Junes ago when he was about 18 months. It was SUCH a fantastic trip. We took a 4 hour hike through the Rocky Mountains together. He did fantastic. When it got too scary for him to walk on his own, I had a carrier I put him in. Here are some pictures I took from that trip. :) Enjoy these.






(did you notice a little trend there in my answers?) Yes, I long for the mountains. :) One of these days.... aaaahhhhhh

And since I have to tag a person for each letter (this is gonna be tough coming up with two "e's" Hmm... and an N... yikes... going to have to think this one over....

R: Roree: DT Member for Self-Addressed

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Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.