
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

We woke up and ate breakfast and got ready for church. We went to North Richland Hills Baptist to see Jeff Berry perform their worship service. He moved from Abilene to Nashville, TN and still travels around the country performing. Very talented guy. Volume was a little loud for my preference but hey, I guess I'm just getting old.

The church itself was very large. It's like it's own little compound... the worship sanctuary is small but you'd expect it to be like 3 times the size it was based on what it looks like outside.

The minister started and I really thought it was going to be a good sermon -- honoring mothers on Mother's Day and the thing turned into this rambling monologue about why you shouldn't drink... how it's sinful... but he doesnt' look down upon people that do... "but he and his church shall serve the Lord" and he talked about women shouldn't be gossips (like we're the only ones) and how we shouldn't adorn ourselves sensually... but his rant on alcohol... it was BIZARRE... he started to break down at some point... getting all emotional ... it was just... weird. In my book, I'll chock that one up to just ... weird. Again, in this situation, I'm like...??? surely I'm not the only one wondering if he didn't practice what he preached that morning b/c that sermon was about as fluid as a brick! Crazy talk.

Home to change and then head to the madness at the Fort Worth Zoo. Josh took some cute pictures here are a couple.


turtle butt ha ha




And he took this one too -- but what it makes me think of is Cartman from South Park -- where he says "Screw you guys, I'm going home."


Drew's CHEESE smile:

I don't know who took this pic of Josh b/c I certainly don't remember him hanging upside down. :)





Once the little man started showing it was time for a nap, we headed home so he could rest/relax.

Then it was on to dinner... mmmm... mmmmm.... mmmmm... steaks! It was delicious! My hats off to Ed for taking care of us women! :)

I always want to get a picture together with both my boys but by the time they were sitting long enough to get a picture with each grandmother... they didn't have time for me. :*( (waaaah)

Josh wanted to take pictures of me and Drew... this is all I got from that (Josh doesn't know how to stand still and I am so anal retentive that I delete blurry photos.


I asked Josh to come to me so I could get someone to take a photo of us... and THIS is what I got for that request:



Yeah, Happy Freakin Mother's Day to me huh? LOL

I got a photo of me and my mom

and my mom and the boys

and Josh wanted to take this one... dang I look OLD... UGH

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