
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Drew's movin' on up!

Today was Drew's last swimming lesson for the summer session at Emler. He moved up from Aquatots to Beginner. :) His regular teacher, Ms. Jennifer, is actually a REAL teacher and was already back at work so one of the wonderful deck managers had her class. I absolutely adore this woman and she is SO amazing with kids.

They always work on water safety... how to climb out of the water by yourself on the side without the use of stairs (VERY helpful). They try to teach them by kicking in the water, it helps to propel you forward. They also teach them to float on their backs. One of the other swimming techniques they teach is to swim and then rollover to your back to catch a breath and then roll back over and swim. He's not so into the whole rolling thing yet so hopefully that will come. :) We shall see. I AM keeping him in swimming lessons through the winter because it's really THAT important to me that he learn to swim. Here are some cute shots of his final class.

This first picture is actually him with his shirt on. The last day of class they do stress water safety insomuch as to show the kids what it feels like to be in the water with your clothes on so that if they ever DID fall in with it... they'd know how it felt... Drew really freaked out about having his shirt all wet (even though I had another one with me)... he was mad about that (and the fact that I walked off with his goggles in my hand. :)


He was quite happy here looking up to see his shirt and socks hanging on the line drying.

Open Mouth CHEESE

He's no Michael Phelps but darnit at least he's trying!

The back float thing

And though this may look like a great "swimming" shot... he's not really swimming yet... his arms kinda flail around and he's not consistent with his leg movement so he kinda just stays in one spot "swimming".... once he "gets it" he will certainly take off and love it but until then... LOL... it's just looking good for the camera!

Racing the teach while practicing his kicks

Bootie in the air! LOL

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.