
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Trails

I took Josh to a great little equestrian center in Sachse for a Cub Scout Riding Clinic on Saturday. :) Despite the incredible cold front we've been having (that's a freakin joke, son) it was really a lot of fun! We carpooled out there with Tricia and her two boys and MJ and her son, Nathan. The ride out there was about an hour but it was nice because of it being Saturday and no traffic. Otherwise, simply stated, it just wouldn't have happened. :)

The place is called the Capricorn Equestrian Center. We had a good turn out of scouts, siblings and parents even that wanted to participate and it was fun. I wanted to BUT I love to canter and gallop... the trail ride thing just ain't for me, ya know? That would bore me to tears.

As soon as we were all there, the boys were broken into two groups — experienced riders and new riders. The boys were assigned horses (the names were so cute -- Mo, he was my favorite -- he LOVED to kiss your hand... and just have affection. HE was like a big dog. I wanted to take him home.)

Josh was assigned Dusty....

Other names were Harry, Vegas, hmm... hmm.. there were more but alas, the other names escape me so I'll have to confer with the resident expert (Josh) on those names.

The boys were given a demonstration on the appropriate way to tack up a horse Western style. Then it was time to demonstrate their knowledge… most did a fairly good job!
I wanted to take pictures of Josh doing it so I wasn't a lot of help and frankly, the bridle they gave him was unlike any others I've ever used so I just said... hey, let me get pictures, they're here to help and that way you can do it while they're here and your fingers will be a-ok! A few final instructions and then off to the indoor arena they went.


Basic instruction was given on how to go forward, stop, do half turns and so forth. Another lesson they had that day was general horse terminology such as the names of their various body parts. I thought it was great when she spoke about horses only having two knees. They really had to think on that one. They were told different types of horses that were in the stables as well as the different colors of horses there.

Oh, and I got to meet Simon, the barn cat.

They were also given the opportunity to ride bareback on a horse named Harry.

After the morning ride, lunch, bareback, terminology lesson… the workshop attendees were allowed back in the indoor arena this time, learning to trot the horse. The instructor wasn't telling Josh to use his legs at all when the horse started to trot so I told him (because I was right there), when the horse starts to trot, keep your rhythm using your legs...and then the "horse Nazi" came out and told me not to talk to the riders because if they were listening to me, they weren't listening to the girl in the arena. I was like... listen HUSSY... that's my boy and I know what the heck I'm doing. I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday! Thing is... she didn't TELL him to use his legs the first time the horse trotted and he was freakin bouncing all over the place! It was pathetic! I had to save my baby's butt! Here is Josh at a trot (his horse didn't get up enough speed to canter)


Then they were allowed to hand feed some oats to one of the horses… it was a hoot watching their faces as they watched the horse’s lips try to get the oats as they pulled their hands away for fear of losing a finger.

However, all good things must come to an end and this, too, was no exception. But before leaving, they had to muck-out the stalls (poop duty). And surprisingly, there were no complaints. Isn’t it crazy you can’t get them to pick up SOCKS from the floor but they’re excited about cleaning up horse poo?


And THIS (below) is a LOT of poo!

And this handsome young man on the right of this photo is the one and only Josh-a-roni! With my favorite horse, Mo. I kept saying "hey Mo" (like the Three Stooges). :) If you don't know who the three stooges are you really have missed the best years of comedic genius. :) Go buy yourself some culture and rent a DVD of their classics!


Josh and Jack spent the last part of their time in the stables coaxing this beauty to smile... and I got it on film! :) See, even he was happy we’d been there to spend the day with him.


Josh has decided he wants "this" as a summer job when he's older - working at a stable. :) I would love for him to. There's something special about having a bond with God's creatures.


They have none of the less-than-appetizing qualities that we humans possess... you know, arrogance, greed, rudeness, etc. They just are.

Oh... and I just took this photo because I loved the nostalgic look ... I love stables, I love the smell of them... I love the sound of the horses, I loved this whole experience and look forward to the day I can have my own.

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