
Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Well, the retailers didn't get my help putting them in the BLACK for the year. :) I slept in... got up, dressed and took Drew to see Disney on Ice at the Fort Worth Convention Center. It was really cute.

The show started with a typical Disneyland Main Street Parade. The Incredibles are on vacation there just trying to be normal...but Syndrome has other plans. It was really cute. They totally had me laughing at Elastigirl's padded butt in the casual clothes. (Must be nice!) There were a couple of times they didn't make the jumps... and busted (ouch) but they kept in stride with the program and Drew didn't even seem to notice.

I have to admit, that I think I get more out of watching him than I do from watching the shows. Just seeing him be so excited at the magical"ness" of the moment... it just brings tears to my eyes. I'm such a freakin sap now that I'm a mom -- or it could be PMS but I;m going to go with the lesser of the two evils right now. :) When I initially said I"d bought tickets Josh was really bummed he couldn't go but, seriously, these programs are SO geared toward 6 and under... not 8 and up. He would have "enjoyed" it (as did I) but not... been excited about it... ya know?

We're home now... Drew's watching Arthur... I Just ate a small slice of dad's vanilla wafer cake (MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) and I changed into my comfy clothes. I was considering going to the Fort Worth Parade of Lights tonight. it starts in 1 hour and 15 minutes but... it's 52 degrees with 84% humidity and frankly... I would rather just snuggle and watch a movie. :)

Perhaps if I had a friend going too, it'd be worth it but... it's just still a little too chilly.

BUT... going to Disney on Ice got me thinking... I'd really like to go back to Disney -- perhaps I'll just sneak a peek at the website...see if they've got any deals going on. :)


  1. Hey April - the Dayspring sale is in Arkansas, about an hour from me. You are welcome to come up and stay with me and go next year! I will DEFINITELY be going - it was awesome!!!

  2. they actually do right now...i think you buy 3 days and get 4 free or vice versa right now...and they have to be used by i *think* (don't quote me) sometime before august of next year or this time next year...something like that

    so glad he enjoyed the show..i always enjoy them too

    and they didn't get my $$ either...i NEVER do black friday...i'd rather pay full price...


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.