Today is Josh's last day of PUBLIC SCHOOL! It's a bittersweet day for me but I know, in my heart of hearts, that this is the right decision for our family.
Drew and I are going up to his school today to have lunch with him and to turn in his letter to the office. Everyone says to mail it certified, return receipt but I just don't see the need for that. I have a great relationship with the secretary and office staff there. I will also mail a copy but see no reason to jump through hoops.
Drew is currently watching a new show. Well, it's not a NEW show but a new show to US! It's called Word World and he LOVES IT! It's so cute and he really digs singing the songs and spelling the characters out. Educational programming -- whoda thunk it!
I leave today for Fredericksburg. I thought about taking Josh with me... but I invited dad instead. I'm sure we'll have a good time. We haven't had an adventure together in a LONG time. :) I'll take advantage of the opportunity to just be with dad.
Since you had mentioned you were homeschooling now, thought you might be interested in checking this out:
It is books for teachers/homeschoolers only. Great deal!