
Sunday, November 2, 2008

T Minus... 3....2....1... BLAST OFF!!!

Today was the annual Pack 317 Rocket Launch. It was lots of fun. We had a good turn out. The Dallas Area Rocket Society came out to host the event for us. They're an AMAZING group and their knowledge is just... well, no pun intended but it blows me away!

Today something special happened also -- Drew got to attend! :) This was HIS first rocket launch!

Unfortunately, with all the other "stuff" we had going on over the weekend and whatnot, I didn't have a rocket fully built for BOTH boys so I grabbed them, drove to Michaels and bought some "quick to assemble" kits... one of them took 45 minutes! UGH... So, needless to say, we had ONE assembled rocket and 3 more kits to assemble for future launches! We were 5 minutes late and had ONE small rocket but three engines for it. So at least each kiddo could at least launch one rocket. One's better than none, right?

Here is Josh's launch (small -- not that monster next to it)

And this is Drew's set up

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