
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Political Rant...

I just wonder when we as a public will stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS FREAKIN ENOUGH!" There are so many attacks on the human family... on Christian... on being AMERICAN... in OUR OWN COUNTRY... on those that PAY their taxes... on decency...

Some of the posts I'm going ot make tonight I've been debating on whether or not I would post because I just sometimes wonder... who even cares anymore? Does everyone just bitch, whine and complain but no one does anything -- and if you wanted TO do something??? What in the world CAN YOU DO BUT TALK?? The only power an individual has is to write a letter and to do protests... but why write when the men and women supposedly "serving" for our best interests are being lobbyed by con artists lining their pockets with free vacations and campaign dollars. I think lobbyists should be illegal. I'd almost put my life on the line that over 99% of the politicians are corrupt and just see dollar figures. I think there should DEFINITELY BE TERM LIMITS to keep career politicians out of there. If there can be a limit to the presidency.. there should DEFINITELY be a limit on any other seat!

There are so many things about this freakin idiot -- Obama -- that I just wonder what the hell we're going to do now? I wonder WHEN this IDIOT will realize he's in over his head? His arrogance and stupidity is just... mind boggling. Just simply mind boggling. His arrogance about the budget and then his budget is in the TRILLIONS.... ??? no one has EVER had a budget in the TRILLIONS? Does "the annointed one" give a CRAP about spending anyone else's money? What the HELL???? I'm so mad... I'm mad and don't feel like there's a thing I can do. I feel like I am a shareholder in the middle of a hostile takeover.... and I'm going to be given a pink slip and no severance package...

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard about Glenn Beck's The 912 project? Just put that your browser and see the site. If getting a voice interests you, look for a group in your area. There is a site for the entire USA. I'll email you some links this afternoon. Short on time today.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.