
Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer request

Received this today from a lady in a homeschooling group I'm in.

Please pray. :(

Hi everyone,

I know that I am quieter member in many of my groups and am a new member to some of the groups that I am sending this email to. I feel badly that some of you have not had but a couple of emails from me, and that you are just getting to know me, but could I share something that is burdening my heart this tonight with you all? I know that most of the groups that I am sending this message to are crafting and homeschooling groups. But my heart is breaking tonight and I could use some positive thoughts and prayers for my family if you have a second or two today.

Our four year old son, Kortlandt, has been undergoing testing this last week because he has had a lot of blood in his urine. He also had episodes of bleeding last month. A couple do days ago, we received a call that his testing is showing that he has a tumor in his kidney and possibly his bladder as well. He is scheduled for surgery in about 6 8:00 Monday morning. I know I should be sleeping but I cannot sleep and so I am writing to ask if you would pray for our family if have a minute today. We are praying for wisdom today as we try to prepare our 7 children for the road ahead. If this turns out to be cancer, Kortlandt will likely start chemotherapy about 10 days after surgery, Radiation may follow, depending on how advanced the cancer is. We know that God has a plan and a purpose for Kortlandt's life but I will admit that we are reeling as we try to come to terms with what is happening.

We have lost 3 precious babies already and I would be lying if I said that the thought that we may lose Kortlandt as well has not crossed my mind. We already have one terminally ill son who is the light of our lives and I never could have imagined that I would be caring for 2 critically ill children at the same time.

I feel so badly about coming to the group with something this serious when I have only just joined or been guilty of lurking. But I feel that it is important that I explain why I have not responded individually to the kind messages that some of you have already sent. They mean the world to me right now and in the coming days, I will respond to each person that emailed me, but it may take me a few days. My head is filled with 101 thoughts today and I am not able to think clearly. But I have not forgotten about the friendship that you have extended to me. Honestly, it has meant even more to me in the last 24 hours than you will ever know.

Thanks to everyone who sends up a prayer for my precious son today. I appreciate them more than you will ever know.

Talk to you all soon...



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Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.