
Monday, July 13, 2009

The big day....

Well, this is the day, the official day my baby turns FIVE YEARS OLD today! My how the time has flown. From an infant dependant upon me for food, shelter, clothing to now having his own job and driving! Ha ha... (Hey... he's a fire fighter and drives a jeep!) :) It's been an amazing five years and I look forward to tons more!

Before he woke up I put up the birthday banner that we always hang for any birthday in our house... I also got up and got him some donuts - a huge surprise for him. :) They're an occasional treat for him.

He then proceeded to have fun around the house with my camera. I love trying to decipher his purpose for certain photos. It's nice to see life (as is considered important) through the lens of a 5 year old. :)


His donut hole

The inside of his mouth

And because I'm not ashamed to show you my incredibly messy living room (the after effects of having all his party presents all over the living room

His goofy eye for taking pictures of whatever is on the tv at the time.

We skipped out on swimming lessons but did go in for the 5 year old check up at the doctor's office. He's doing amazingly. Still in the 75th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight so we're right on track... tall and skinny. He was THRILLED that he had to have ZERO shots because I won't give him the 2nd dose of chicken pox vaccine. He was ELATED... elated I tell ya. It was a hoot. I'm glad, it gives him another year to forget the LAST time he had shots! :)

For lunch, his Mimi took him to Chuck E. Cheese (what I commonly refer to as "the mouse house") for lunch. He had a blast playing games. His dad even made an appearance for lunch to play some games with him.

We picked up Josh and the crew from College for Kids and then came home. Where did Drew want to go for his birthday dinner? He actually said Incredible Pizza but I was like, "Um, no, you had pizza for lunch." I think at this age, they'd eat it 24/7 if you offered it to them. Yuck! Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the grease pies. I prefer homemade pizza. I think I've posted about my pizza preference in the past -- I like homemade garlic, chicken, mushroom pizza. YUM-O! It's so delicious, it'd make Rachel Ray slap her momma! Ha!

He knew that his presents that were on the table weren't to be opened until we were graced with the presents of his father. So, the instant he was at the house, Drew asked, "May I open my presents now?" ha ha.. literally, within an instant of the door cracking open he was remembering that this day was all about him! It was SO cute!



He got to mug up with his dad.


Then you get the fun faces.

I snuck him outside for a bit to get my favorite natural shots marking this milestone.



And then I get a shot like this that I love and live for...


So, I digress, when left to this now 5-year old what he wanted for dinner -- he wanted... STEAK! So, we ventured to Saltgrass for dinner. It was DELICIOUS! For his "surprise" the brought him a little brownie with some ice cream and whipped cream and that kid was in hog heaven!

Happy birthday darlin'


  1. Now that's a good bday dinner! YUM! Glad to see you in some pictures!

  2. FIVE!?!?!?! Oh, Lordy, I don't WANT that day to come! He's such a cutie...but I can totally see his "baby face" drifting away and his "little boy" face taking over...its funny how their faces change so much! PS...I adore those pictures he took. You're going to scrap them, right?


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.