
Friday, July 24, 2009

Dallas World Aquarium

Drew and I took my mom to her first trip to the Dallas World Aquarium for a "field trip Friday."

They've done a lot of work on it since I was there last... a whole expansion! I let Drew have time with the camera, too. He loved taking photos. He's got a knack for getting just what he wants to see and remember. It's rather cute to see what all he comes up with.

Here's Drew and grandma making their entrance through the "rainforest"

And here is the sign for their Sloth Crossing. :) While I tend to say both my boys move as fast as a sloth.. it only seemed fitting to have Drew next to "his sign"


And you see that tree that's right behind the sign? Guess what's in it? RIGHT THERE for people to get up close and personal with? A SLOTH! Check this cutie out!

Doesn't he look like one of the Beatles? LOL

Drew took a photo of some of the crocodiles

And this is the Drew-meister up against the glass at the base of the croc tank -- near the tail.. if you look closely, you can see the head of the croc between his arms.


Drew at the turtle tank

Drew also took some photos of spiders -- two of them. The first is a tarantula. The second is a bird eating spider. They both look equally hairy and scary. And so, I chose not to put them on the blog (and since I didn't know which was which, just as well.)

This is the two at the actual aquarium.

And we always love to see the jellyfish.

... the sea dragons, too, are very neat to watch

I think the water arch is just amazing.

And, in closing, you have to visit the gift shop and buy them some little memento (read that as, overpriced crap that they don't need, really could care less about but have to have to make their visit feel complete)... we got an octopus.

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