
Monday, August 10, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Now that school's about to be back in swing around here it's time to get back to "normal" with routines, menu plans, scheduled events, yadda, yadda, yadda.

As such, today is officialy: Menu Plan Monday

My menu for the week is as follows:

B: pancakes, bacon, grape juice
L: Subway (eat fresh)
D: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and salad

B: eggs/ham/cheese biscuits
L: from the freezer (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones) and a salad
D: Crock Pot BBQ chicken, steamed veggies and rice

B: cold cereal, fruit, milk, toast
L: quesadilias
D: chicken enchiladas, steamed spanish rice, Ranchero beans

B: Breakfast casserole (freeze leftovers)
L: from the freezer (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones) and a salad
D: chili dogs, fresh veggies with dip (I use a FF turkey frank for mine, the boys eat regular all beef ones)

B: Cinnamon Pecan Pullaparts These things are highly addictive. I strongly suggest, too, that you DO pull them apart before eating them so that the calories can fall through the cracks. :)
L: Chicken or Tuna salad sandwich made with grapes, pecans and lots of green leaf lettuce
D: Pizza - we have a Scout function and that is what Drew will be eating... I may actually eat something from the freezer first before going.

B: Breakfast Pizza because it's fun!
L: sandwiches, chips, soup
D: Italian feast. We have a monthly dinner club where 2 other families and kids all get together once a month at each other's homes. One person cooks the main course and side. One brings a dessert and the other brings an appetizer. I'm doing a 3 course Italian feast of homemade Italian wedding soup, Bruschetta and a homemade lasagna. (Of course, the kids will have some chicken nuggets in case they're not into the whole Italian theme.) :)

B: Go out to a local restaurant called the Snooty Pig -- total dive but great home cookin'
L: leftovers
D: eat at church though we'll snack when we get home since we'll be eating about 5pm. :)

And there ya go! :) Feels good to plan again!

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