
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A peek into the future...

Today is Tuesday... for the average bear, it means nothing but for me... for today... it means several things.

It means, 1) Drew has preschool, 2) I make breakfast, 3) Josh has guitar lessons, and 4) today is the day for my 3D-4D ultrasound appointment. This is where I get to a) completely confirm it's a boy and b) see the little guy in a more realistic view.

Would you like to meet him? Yeah, me too. I would introduce him by name but... apparently choosing a name is a lot tougher than you would think it is. Regardless, here is bambino numero tres or "bean" as I affectionately call him. :)

This photo is showing his face... and his little arm is up along the side and he's got the cord floating in there too. But that's him! :)

While we were there, he even opened his eyes and smiled! Technology is AMAZING! Is it not?

Apparently he's measuring a little big too (go figure) UGH! See you soon little guy!

The other thing that was pretty amazing that I was able to accomplish today -- I TOOK A NAP! Laugh all you want but generally it's a guilty pleasure I simply dream of because there is too much to be done but that ole third trimester sleepy is starting to creep up on me and frankly, I was beat! My boys were the BEST and let me have a GREAT nap on the couch with Lola!


  1. Congratulations on your new baby! I'm amazed at being able to see so much detail before they're born.

  2. Awesome!! How much longer do you have anyways? You need to throw some names out and let us vote for you!!
    We need some prego pics of you too!! I know a great photographer (my hubby!!) hehee...

  3. That is amazing. It took me a second to focus in and find his face, but I did and he's adorable!

    How awesome!

  4. how exciting! congratulations.

    Thanks for letting me know about the chicken and peppers dish... hope I didn't cause too much trouble in your kitchen ;-)

  5. Oh wow- congrats. That 3D ultra sound is amazing.

  6. Oh how cute!! I love this first pictures my favorite!!! Very sweet. Names are hard!

    Oh yeah a nap is hard to come by!

  7. Thank goodness for technology. He looks all snug-as-a-bug in that picture! LOL Congrats!! I agree with Sprmommy...I was just about to say that you need to get some photos of how mommy is! :)

  8. AWWWWW!!! Cute little bean!!! I GET the nap thing!!! Its so rare its you think its cuz we have boys?

    Names are tricky...we decided to do like the Jewish people once did and give them names that had meaning in terms of our prayers for their lives...what are you considering? Anything on the list of possibilities? Jay ended up picking Noah's name in the end...He made a wonderful choice!

  9. Wow, how exciting. Ultrasounds are amazing. Can you imagine having a baby without one, after having one? I love technology.

    BTW, I love your profile pic. I think you're my twin too, because I have absolutely no style. I was getting perms at least a decade after they went out. Then when I figured it out, I was all "Why didn't anybody TELL me that I'm stuck in the 80s?!!!!" Geesh. Talk about embarrassing.

  10. Congratulations on your new baby! I understand about the luxury of taking naps. Enjoy them when you can!

    I did a 3d ultrasound with my son too. It was so cool!

  11. April...that picture is amazing! I went with my sister when she had a 3-D of my nephew...they didn't tell us they were doing it and we were was wonderful! I am so happy for you. So exciting! Hope you are feeling good! Thanks for letting us see "beans"!

  12. HUGE CONGRATS SISTA!!! so excited for ya...


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.