
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend recap

My father came over Friday night to spend some time with the boys. That was nice. I picked Josh up from sculpture class and we made it home and within about 20 minutes, Dad was here. He got to watch Drew master the Legos Star Wars game... share some pizza with us...snuggle in and have a good night's sleep.

I will say that I almost didn't recognize him. He has his hair VERY, VERY long (like... circa 1970's kind of cut for grown up men) and he has grown a somewhat of a handlebar moustache. It's all very weird. LOL. I love him but prefer the short "do" to the present. I find peace in knowing that he never leaves it any which way for too long.

We woke up Saturday morning. I made a hearty breakfast for the crew and then off to grass drills for Josh to do his best for his placement in the tackle football draft. This will be his first year to play tackle. We shall see how it goes. It was in the 30s this morning. I sat in my car with Drew. Andy and Dad went with Josh to do the sign up/registration and watch him. Dad got a little cold and since it was mostly waiting at each of the stations, he went ahead and went home.

I could tell Drew was a little stir crazy so I texted Greg and had him come over with Evan. He hung out for a while... then left and came back a little later. Drew and Evan play SO WELL together! When Greg got here it was just after hide-and-seek time and in the middle of "superheroes" skits. I love how much fun they have together and how they are great at working out compromises when they both want to do different things. Good, good friendship. I hope they're lifelong friends.

I sat in bed last night and started piecing together my plan for my once a month cooking session -- even though NONE OF MY BOOKS MADE IT IN THE MAIL! WAAHH freakin WAAAHHH. Once I have my books, I know it'll be much less painful but when I have that plan ... I will post it for all to see!

Today, we're going to try out a new church called Gateway. I want a church that is like Irving Bible Church but that is closer to home. I LOVE Irving Bible Church. It makes me whole, fills me up and since I was plugged in there from the beginning, it was really easy for me to feel that it wasn't as big as it really was. So trying to now plug into a church that is big...and I'm a newbie coming into it... I really am intimidated. Plus, when you compare everything TO Irving Bible Church (or IBC), its hard to be impressed with anything -- the ministry, people, music, children's programs because IBC is just a perfect fit for me. Then why not stay? Yeah, I keep asking myself that but if I want my boys to have any sort of involvement with the church during the week, I will HAVE to find a church closer to home because if we do anything at IBC during the week, we have to be in traffic for about an hour to go less than 20 minutes away. It's really pathetic and very much a deterrent. I'm not 100% sure that we're going to leave IBC but we are at least going to a new church today to just see what it's all about.

My thing is that ... and I know this is VERY presumptious of me... it's a Southlake church in Southlake. Southlake is VERY "uppity"... not that uppity people aren't Christ followers...and who am I to judge them... but they tend to look down on people that aren't uppity like them ... and I'm not sure there's an uppity bone in my body. I'm just me... I'm real... there's nothing fake about me. I don't tan. I don't have plastic surgery. I don't wax my brows. I don't have my teeth whitened. I don't have gobs of jewelry. I don't wear trendy clothes. I don't drive a Lexus, Benz or Lincoln Navigator. I don't get my hair done every 4 weeks. I don't shop for fun. I don't keep an immaculate house that has been done over by an interior decorator. My children don't wear $75 shoes, brand labels or care if their hair is gelled and spiked up. So, it almost feels as if I'm headed into the "lion's den" -- which means that I'm entering THEIR church with preconceived notions about who they are and what they represent -- wrong, yes...but it's been my experience with all things Southlake that ... that's just how it is.

I hope I'm proven wrong...and I don't think that this is a glass-half-empty view of the situation... I'm just trying to be a realist who will (hopefully) be pleasantly surprised. :)

Oh yeah, and there's this little thing called the Superbowl today. Still on the fence if I want to watch it. LOL...


  1. Thanks for stopping by. I hope the church visit went well.

  2. I am all about the once a month cooking sessions. We should share!


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