
Saturday, February 27, 2010


WOO HOO #1: It is an awesome thing that the islands of Hawaii have been spared from the tsunami they feared was heading that way.

WOO HOO #2: My Cub Scout Pack (Pack 317) had their Blue & Gold Banquet tonight and it was just AMAZING! We had SO MUCH FUN! I can't even begin to tell you. While most of the Packs out there went with the 100th Anniversary of Scouting / Birthday theme, we chose to do something a little different -- we did STAR WARS! I contacted members from the 501st Legion. They showed up in full costume and the boys were AMAZED! We had Storm Troopers, an Emperial Guard and even Boba Fett himself! It was AMAZING! We had them do the table judging and we were proud to present the boys that were Webelos II with their Arrow of Light awards (the highest rank you can earn in Cub Scouts). Our silent auction earned our Pack almost $3,000!!! It was exhausting for our coordinator but the fruits of her efforts was an event these boys will not soon forget. (Me too).

WOO HOO #3: Next weekend will be an overnight for Josh and I for Webelos Woods. I'm excited to get a night away with just he and I.


  1. Oh wow that would have been so cool them all dressed up!! What a fun thing to do that they will remember forever! I want to get Cole in cub scouts I think it would be good for him :).

    yeah a night off, I so need one of those ... lol.

    Thanks so much sweetie needed a pick me up. I agree! Moving on stronger :). HUGS

  2. Very good news about Hawaii! And what a terrific idea to get the Star Wars theme with live action figures!!! How cool! Go you!

  3. My daughter just watched the original Star Wars trilogy. She's have enjoyed that event!

    Such a blessing Hawaii was spared.

  4. So glad that Hawaii was spared!! Glad you guys had a great night with Cub Scouts - I'm hoping my boys will join the Scouts when they get older.


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