
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Save me from SATURDAY! OMG!

So, we got up at like -- the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN (my alarm went off at 4:30 a.m.) UGH! I didn't sleep worth a DARN because my snoring friend was a little allergy-prone apparently. :( WAAH. No good sleep and an early morning do not mix.

I got everything piled into the car and Josh and I headed to Whataburger to start out our road trip (it's a tradition -- gotta have my taquito to start out a trip in the morning.)

Where was our destination? Why, none other than Webelos Woods at Sid Richardson. Josh is in his 4th year of Cub Scouting which is the Webelos program. This program lasts for 18 months so next year in February, he'll be eligible to bridge over into a Troop and BE a Boy Scout. Webelos is when the boys start doing more things independently from their parents and actually go visit a few Boy Scout Troops to decide where they're most comfortable going. It's going to be a fun transition for him!

We get to Sid Richardson, check in and get our Camp assignment -- Cherokee. Another Pack was already near the pavilion there so we just chose another place (and we're closest to the restroom -- the "good" restroom!) No complaints here! ha ha!

Together we choose our spot, unload one load from the car, get the tarp down, open the tent... no poles.... shake out the rain fly.... no poles... apparently my poles have grown legs and walked away. I was PISSED to say the least. So, we got in the car and made about an hour and 45 minute trip to and from Decatur to the ONLY Super Walmart in the vicinity to get a stinkin' tent. I had to buy AN ENTIRELY BRAND NEW TENT! UGH! So, coming back $100 lighter (not much happier) we missed the morning flag raising ceremony and our group was already going through some of the stations. We hurried as best we could ... joined them and THEN the fun started. Josh was able to throw tomahawks, knives, climb a monkey bridge, scale a rock wall, shoot bb guns and archery. We made a cool handicraft... we missed breakfast with the group from our little fiasco but we joined them for sandwiches and chips. Dinner was provided by the camp (fajitas and baked cinnamon apples). That night we went to a campfire program and it was a good one. After the campfire program we were supposed to follow our two "Indian guides" (Boy Scouts in Native American regalia carrying torches) back to another area for story time. Unfortunately, I was quite slower than the rest of the group so by the time we made it to the place where everyone was turning off, a truck was coming to pick up a man in a wheelchair and he asked us to take another path back. So, we just went back to the campsite and finished getting the INSIDE of the tent ready... and then walked together hand in hand to the dining hall and brushed our teeth, washed our faces and then came back. I went straight to bed.

Do you know how hard it is to turn over in a sleeping bag when you're 8 months pregnant? Well, let me just say... it's QUITE difficult! LOL. Ugh! I got to sleep but was rudely awakened several times by the sound of men SAWING through petrified forests. They weren't just sawing "logs"... they were going all out dulling their blades on these pieces of petrified wood. I just started to laugh. UGH! I only made one trip to the latrine in the dark--vowed to hold it until morning after that... and then at 4am the most wonderful sound ever... raindrops on the tent roof. I could NOT have been happier. It drown out ALL the noise and I slept SO peacefully (until it stopped!) Then I was fishing for earplugs.

Man I don't know how those guys function...or how the boys in the tents WITH them were able to sleep either. YIKES!


  1. I'm so sorry...the only thing I got out of this post was a huge laugh at you trying to turn over in a sleeping bag at 8 mo's pregnant! I think I slept in one position just to avoid turning over in my king sized bed when I was that pregnant! tee hee!!

  2. Girl you're are the BEST mom ever! I mean really 8 mo PG and your camping. You Rock, I'm so not a nature girl ... lol.

    Sorry about the tent that is such a bummer I would not be a happy camper or saying some horrible things ... lol

    Yup I bow down to you my dear!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.