
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend wrap-up

Even though we had plans to do several things this weekend, I still made good on my attempt for Once A Month Cooking.

Friday started out with a birthday party for Drew's best friend's little brother. He turned 4 and the party was held at an indoor jump place. Drew's favorite! He had a great time. At one point, once they'd open the place up to more than just the party attendants, it became a little hectic since some of the older boys there were unsupervised (and bullies) Drew got hurt and Josh went into protector mode and saved the day. It was kind of scary. The way the one boy knocked him off, his head was wedged and he couldn't free himself. Kinda scary! Thank God for Josh!

After the party, we had a play date with Evan at the house for a couple of hours. The play date was actually held -- for the most part -- completely outside. I was inside for the vast majority of it (cooking) but did go outside to check. ALL the kids were out playing in the neighborhood so I was totally fine with them all just going crazy in the cul de sac.

After that, Drew had t-ball practice. It was okay except after about 20 minutes there. I had to pee. There wasn't a bathroom in sight. UGH! I toughed it out but the SECOND it was time to go, I scooped him up and we RAN HOME! Joshua spent most of his time in the car with me taking silly pictures of himself in the rear view mirror of the passenger seat. He cracks me up.

Saturday -- the first day of spring -- brought us the freak snowstorm. It was insane! I still took the boys to the gymnastics place for the pajama party and when I went to pick them up at 10:30 p.m., Drew just kept telling me how much fun it was. We went by to pick up Andy (he was right there so I got to play chauffeur for him too -- why waste gas?) and then we all went home. I basically walked in, said good night to the boys and lapsed into a coma. I awoke about 3:30 a.m. to the sound of logs being sawed. I think I probably beat Andy to a pulp so much that he was snipping at me. I got my pillow and just went up to the baby's room and slept peacefully from 6am to 10am. LOL. I had to make up for the lost sleep somehow and boy did I! One thing I will say -- I don't like sleeping much past 8am. You feel like you just lose your entire day. That's not cool man!

So, today, Sunday, we were under a wind advisory and they weren't kidding! The temperature was 44 but with the wind chill it was a mere 30 degrees. I was sure that Josh's football practice would have been canceled but oh no, it was not. 2pm we show up and only FOUR OTHER BOYS are there! It gets called at 2:25 and we head home. The remainder of the day before and after the brief football practice, I kept cooking but by now, this mama is officially tired! As my Meme would put it (my mom's mom), I have a serious case of the T.B. Tired Butt! Don't grandmas just have a way with words?

And, so without further adieu, this weekend was, as you know, my first attempt at OAMC (Once A Month Cooking). However, I didn't cook just once -- I cooked a little bit all weekend long. I've already touched on what I've done but here it is in a nutshell

3 turkey-beef meatloaves
1 pot roast with veggies for the slow cooker
2 servings of spaghetti sauce
1 tater tot casserole
2 servings of taco meat
1 pot roast marinated Italian style for shredded sandwiches
2 servings of Swedish meatballs
1 serving of meatball sub meatballs
2 servings of BBQ chicken
2 servings of chicken quesadilias (this is all pantry food, no cooking but it's assembled!)
2 servings of marinated chicken for fajitas
2 servings of marinated balsamic chicken breasts (4 ea)
1 serving of marinated chicken breasts (4)
1 serving of Italian marinated chicken breasts (4)
1 serving of Picaunte chicken
3 servings of cranberry/apple pork loin

and I've prepared the SAUCE ONLY for my lasagna. I'm just too pooped to do anything else tonight! Couple that with the fact that my little man was running 101.5 30 minutes after I gave him motrin... we're going to have a little bug in the house apparently. Tomorrow will prove to be an unfruitful day as well if I've got a little man at home. Poor guy!

Tomorrow I intend to finish up what I DIDN'T buy at Wal-Mart (ricotta cheese was in the back of the store and I was just DONE being there so I didn't even bother to go back and get it-again, another example of why your grocery list needs to be ORGANIZED!) and finish up everything!

Finishing up tomorrow:

1 serving beef stroganoff
2 servings cheeseburger macaroni
8 hamburger patties
1 serving sloppy joes
1 tetrazzini
1 serving chicken a la king
1 grandma's chicken and rice bake
1 serving chicken tetrazzini
1 servings of salisbury steak
2 pans of lasagna

I'm still trying to find the best way to list my recipes. I'm wondering if posting them online to and then linking back to here would be the best method.... Hmmm... I may need to think about that. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow woman! You were busy! I cant get up the energy to make up `10 meals in a day that nothing is going on. And you went crazy nuts cooking in 2 days! When you had tons of stuff going on. And you're pregnant! Yay for you!!
    (Can you come do my OAMC next? :))


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.