
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Time spent with friends...

... is some of the best times you'll ever have.

One of my best friends, Gene, and I have been friends since 6th or 7th grade. When you're 37, that makes for a mighty long time. We've stayed in touch through sickness and health, through relationships, his frequent moves (he's active duty air force), divorces, children, etc. Whatever has happened in our lives, we've had a common bond of friendship that has withstood the test of time. It is one of those relationships you treasure. He was my "witness" at my wedding in Hawaii. He was my date to the 8th grade dance at Lamar Junior High School. He was like my brother, but so much better because we didn't have to share a bathroom -- or parents (his mom was a real piece of work!)

Gene, who was just recently stationed in Oklahoma, now comes down for frequent visits to the DFW area. I mean, it's our "stompin' grounds," we have tons of friends in the area still. It's "home" to him. I love these visits and am so thankful he's now close rather than living in Minot, ND where he has spent the last few years. Up there it's like... brrrrrr freakin C-O-L-D! So cold you have to plug your car "in" so that it doesn't freeze. I can't even imagine--which is why I never visited. Ha ha!

One of the best things about these weekend visits is that sometimes we get to steal him away for a night. My boys love their "Uncle Gene" and the time he shares with them when he comes to visit. Photobucket

He and Andy get to hang out and talk "guy stuff." He and I get to sit and talk about (and laugh about) the past, discuss the present and project the future. It's the best friendship and I'm so thankful for it.

PhotobucketUnfortunately, just hours prior to his weekend visit, we received notice that he will be going back to Iraq for 6-8 months. He is scheduled to leave in a couple of weeks. He doesn't want to go. We don't want him to go but, it's inevitable when you serve in the military that you will ultimately be shipped abroad to a less-than-friendly area. He will be doing some convoy duty.

Please keep him in your prayers so that he comes home safely!!

We wanted to make this a great night for him. I invited my mom to come have dinner with us... she's like his "adopted" mom now and he loves her just like he would love a mom. Andy went and bought some FANTASTIC steaks and veggies to grill. I made super stuffed baked potatoes and asparagus. And, of course, I made his (and my) favorite dessert-carrot cake. It was a meal fit for a king. It's the least we could have done knowing where he was headed. I hope he enjoyed it... and I hope he knows how much we love him.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great guy. I'll be praying for him.
    Blessings, my friend.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.