
Friday, May 14, 2010

5 Question Friday and Friday 5

Time again for 5QF (5 Question Friday) at My Little Life. Here we go!

1. Take your night, girls night out, or night out alone? Honestly, I get NONE of the above right now but knowing that I'd be up at 2am... I think I'd honestly take some sleep over anything. Sad huh? Date night with hubs is a close second because I know that relationship needs to be continually replenished but as this is just a stage in life... I know it won't last.

2. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope. Not a freak of nature like that. :)

3. What is your favorite flower and why? I don't have a "favorite" of a lot of things -- flowers are one of those things. I love and appreciate a large bouquet of wildflowers. I mean, who doesn't like hydrangeas, tulips, thornless roses or stargazer lilies... they're all beautiful creations but... just a good old fashioned bunch of mixed wildflowers makes me smile.

4. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself? I know it sounds quite cliche but I really wouldn't want to change my life because just one small change of circumstance might mean that I wouldn't have my boys or my husband now... BUT... if I HAD to (for sake of this question) I'd tell myself to get in college immediately after high school so that it was a done deal. Trying to do it later in life isn't as easy once you've started in the workforce, have a family or are busy with other little things -- you know, CHILDREN?!? Oh, and "go with your gut"... do NOT let Darlene perm your hair the week before cheerleader camp... tell Marc not to take that class at Irving High... wear SUNSCREEN all the time... and don't let Shelly take that red drink in the back of the car in South Padre... pay cash and don't cut your hair off.

5. If you won the lottery, what is the very first thing you would do? The first thing I would do would be to call Andy so we could freak out together! It'd be an amazing thing considering the last time I ever purchased a lotto ticket was about 15 years ago.

I'm linked to: My Little Life

AND THEN.... we have this week’s Friday 5! The instructions for this one are to copy these questions to your webspace, answer them and then return and link to the same site. Here we go!

1. What is absolutely the best cookie you’ve ever had? I'm absolutely addicted to Paradise Bakery's sugar cookie. They're made with cake flour, are HUGE and freakin' delicious! I got my recipe for them off the internet (copycat site) when I realized that the Paradise Bakery that was in the mall near me closed down and I had no way to get my favorite cookie ever again! I became desparate and just, on a whim, decided to surf the net for them.

2. What is a cookie you really don’t care for? I'm not big on anything with mint in it. I think those are just gross.

3. What are some other cookies you are rather fond of? I like HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles. I also like cranberry-oatmeal cookies, too.

4. Grocery-store cookies are, of course, never as good as anything that comes out of someone’s kitchen, but what’s a packaged cookie that’s still pretty good? Pinwheels (chocolate cookie, covered with a huge dome of marshmallow and then covered with a thin layer of chocolate. I also like Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies. Those are two thin oval shaped shortbread cookies with a small layer of chocolate between them. And then the golden Oreos are pretty good too.

5. In general, do you think cookies should be chewy and gooey, or should they be crispy and crunchy? Well, it really depends on the cookie. Oreos would be gross ooey and gooey. Paradise bakery cookies would be gross if they were crispy so it definitely depends on the cookie.

Friday 5 is a great site and I'm linked to it: Here


  1. Nice ansnwers my friend. It is my first in Friday 5.

    Mine is here

  2. I love your advice to your former self. If we could go back and tell ourselves things there probably would have been a lot less perms!

  3. the only person I know who can touch thier tongue is my daughter she is a goof


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.