
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Scarred for life...

Do you ever sit and think of all the negativity in the world... that you've experienced, heard or seen and then realize that because of it, you're truly scarred for life.

I'm genuinely ashamed of mankind for not only what we do to the Earth but what we do to ourselves, our animals, our friends, our family, strangers, pets and children. Sometimes it's seriously enough to make me break down and cry.

I just think... do the companies that manufacture things that require goods like TREES ever actually put trees BACK into the Earth at the same rate they consume them?

That the water I drink ... where it came from and how many chemicals they had to put back into it to get it to the point that it's drinkable again....

How people just throw things on the curb for the trash companies and then just assume they're gone... but they just get taken to a huge hole in the earth and are buried. ???? NOTHING breaks down fast enough as we produce it.

The stories of horror and heartache and abuse just haunt me....

...the video that was sent to me without warning of what it contained of Muslim extremists beheading Americans with a huge sword...

....the video Lisa Ling showed on Oprah of how the Asians overseas who eat pets treat them... immersing live kittens into boiling water to remove their fur... and those poor creatures were STILL ALIVE when they were immersed... and they were STILL ALIVE when they pulled them from the water. Having to endure that absolutely unbelievable pain... this is one of those things that absolutely brings tears to my eyes every time and I wish I hadn't see it ever.

... the video Lisa Ling showed of the puppy mills... how there are dogs in cages that have NEVER STEPPED FOOT ON GRASS and, therefore, don't know how to even walk on it. They just use these animals as little breeding machines and when they can't breed any longer, they just kill them. That's why I will NEVER buy a puppy from a pet store or a place that has a lot of puppies for sale ever again. EVER. Because I know where they likely came from.

... the visions of these parents that have had children born with disfiguring disabilities... cancer... or parents that didn't have the pleasures of seeing their children born at all...

... the stories of how people have completely abused children... the little girl called "Baby Grace" who was disciplined repeatedly by being nearly drown and thrown against the wall. ?? DISCIPLINE?

... why is there an organization that is even ALLOWED TO EXIST that is all about PEDOPHILES? NAMBLA... North American Man/Boy Love Association. I'm sorry... NO. NO NO NO! You don't DESERVE to exist in a country that is supposed to be PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN?

... why are conservative Christians so scared to let their voices be heard that the only ones "winning" are the "squeaky wheels?" Obama (the idiot) says we are NOT a Christian nation. He went on tour around the world declaring that but, at last check, we ARE MAJORITY Christian nation. As such, WHY are we continually bowing down to the minority?

... WHY do we allow anchor babies any longer? That law needs to be repealed. Why are we afraid to stand up for our borders and our country's laws? When NO OTHER NATION would allow what we do? But if we try to pass laws that aren't even as strict as theirs...we become racist? WHY?

...just a few things on my mind today...

1 comment:

  1. UGH. I completely agree with you. The world is crap. And we're letting it happen! The VERY few that say something need to find others that feel the same way and DO something. Otherwise, our kids are going to live in hell. A worse hell than we live in ourselves.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.