
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday Fill Ins we go!

1. This is what life does. It lets you have a choice every day as to how your going to face the world. It's your option to do so joyfully or with contempt.

2. Does a tired new mom ever appreciate the moment? You bet she does!

3. Upon reflection, I think my life is so much more complete with children.

4. I've been up today for quite a long time.

5. Later, you wake up and realize that these little fleeting moments are the ones you have to grab onto and cherish. This is what life is made of.

6. This coming Spring Break I will go to the far and boundless sea for my first ever cruise in the Caribbean.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hosting a play date with one of Drew's best friends, menu planning, grocery shopping, spending time with Ben and picking Drew up from across the street (he's attending a birthday party night), tomorrow my plans include going to our neighbors for our monthly "dinner club". I'm bringing the appetizer (what goes good with fish tacos? Suggestions, anyone?) and Sunday, I want to TRY to get a nap!


  1. Sigh..lovely. I couldn't agree more, my life is so much more complete now that I have kids:)

  2. ditto on #3.

    ...sorry I don't know what goes with fish tacos :((

    cheese sticks perhaps.
    enjoy ur dinner!

  3. Enjoy the cruise! I love the one I went on. As for fish tacos... How about a light herb salad?

  4. Great answers :)
    Posted mine here. Have a safe weekend.

  5. yes .. as much as I complain .. my life is also more complete with my kids!

  6. Fish tacos? What about a simple chips and quacamole or a salad with a unique dressing? You can also do something like lime shrimp cocktail, that might be yummy

  7. Hmmm, realizing I am reading late, did you already go, lol


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.