
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A normal chaotic day...

Today was a really normal day. It ended a bit chaotic, but c'est la vie! ;) I think that's to be expected from time to time. Just... having a tad of a headache just made it seem all the more chaotic.

I started off the day with some homemade biscuits, Jimmy Dean sausage and gravy. Drew woke up in time to ride with Ben and me to take Josh to College for Kids at TCC. It's his last week there. For lunch, I sent him ham and cheese, yogurt, pretzels and some cheese cubes and grapes. He buys his drinks there. I find it so hard to believe the want to promote healthy kids and the lunches they serve them there -- if they choose to buy it: grilled cheese with fries, hamburger with fries, chicken fingers with fries, pizza with.. yeah, you guessed it.. FRIES. Can you say.. NOT HEALTHY! Where is the dairy? Where is the fruit? Where are the veggies? It's pathetic! I just said NO and I send him lunches. Once a week, I let him have the pizzas but man, it makes me feel good when he brags to me about how much everyone loved his lunch or how delicious it was, stuff like that. :) The kid got excited about egg salad and veggies with dip. Love that boy 'o mine!

I packed up a bunch of books that I'm swapping on Paperback Swap and the Sonlight Core 3 we used last year (sold that on Homeschool Classifieds). Feels good to have gotten 95% of our money back for that curriculum. Slowly I'm making the money back for our homeschooling expenses. I took Drew to get lunch since WalMart didn't have my onion rolls to have what I was intending to have for lunch. We came back, ate and then he got ready for HIS camp. I dropped him off and then spent the better part of the next hour in line at the post office. I don't see how they can raise and raise and raise the price of stamps and still the service sucks. But that's neither here nor there. I got them in the mail and THAT is what's important!

I came home and worked on a few things and played with little Ben for a while. I worked on a lot of things for my Cub Scout Pack... getting them finalized so that when this year starts, we're ready to roll!

Once 3:40 hit, I ran to pick up Drew. We came home. Fed Ben. Loaded up in the car at 4:40 and went to pick up Josh from TCC. Home and that's when I felt like I was being pulled in 128 different directions. I get overwhelmed easily when my head is pounding. Drew was reading me a great story about a tea party for the Queen Bee. Josh was writing his own algebraic equations and solving them to show me what he'd learned in his Pre-Algebra class. Ben was crying, screaming, whining, talking, eating his fingers or a combination thereof AND I was trying to start prepping for dinner (it was about 5:15 pm).

Then I was informed that Andy went to go hit golf balls -- two starving children, hungry mom and I knew we wouldn't be eating until 8pm since the steaks were going to be grilled. Grrrrr.

What can you do? Not a lot.

However, it's amazing the level that Drew is reading...
It's awesome that Josh is loving and intrigued by Algebra...
Andy had fun...
Dinner was served...
I got some Tylenol...

Dinner was good... steaks, veggie ka-bobs, crescent rolls and Caesar salad. :) And for dessert? Banana boats! I thought it'd be a fun way to end the evening. Drew didn't want his warm so he at it in parts "raw" not that it's bad all different.

Afterwards, Ben smiled, cooed, talked and enjoyed his bath. Josh and Drew and Andy all visited him to say hi and the kiddos are in bed and I'm rocking this beautiful miracle while he fights sleeping by staring at his left hand... it's quite funny.

We will have a fun day ahead of us tomorrow... Josh back at College for Kids. Drew at the movies with one of his best friends, Evan and then to the Golden Arches to eat/play and THEN they're coming here... to have a mini Wii tournament.

It's a good life.

1 comment:

  1. mmm, kabobs and banana boats--not a bad way to end a day!

    in answer to your questions on my blog, i'm sorry to say that i've never made buns! i imagine that any extras i had would get eaten within the next few days. as for slicing the bread, it just comes with practice. use a serrated knife and a sawing motion and you'll get the nicest slices possible. :)


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.