
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 least

It was an okay day today. I have a lot of those... "at least..." type of statements which means that SOME progress was made in SOME parts of my life. Others, not so much. least I woke up on time to make some great toaster sandwiches for breakfast... even though the thick sliced bacon took ten minutes longer to cook than the regular ones. least I got most of the clothes done. There are 3 loads still needing to be finished and are in the floor but the mountains of piles of clothes (seriously, folks, there are MOUNTAINS of clothes everywhere!) are clean now instead of dirty. I'm in the process of moving Drew's 5's to the attic and moving IN the 6's. Josh is getting rid of his 10s and 12s and moving into 14s. Ben is moving out of his 0-6 months and into the 6-9 month clothing. least Ben was happy enough that I was able to get a shower...

... at least I made it to Hobby Lobby to get the cellophane wrap so that I can take the kids to school tomorrow and turn it into the auction committee and get it out of my hair. Unfortunately, we can't make the auction due to a football game but I hope our basket does well. It's a "Breakfast in Bed" theme and looks positively wonderful. least I got to school on time to pick up the kids even though there was already a line into the street even though I was there almost 25 minutes early.

I took our little carpooling friend home and then we went to the house. Josh started his homework and Drew started pestering JOsh. I tried and tried to get Ben to sleep. Finally about 4:30 p.m. he dozed off.

Our plans for the day? Leave about 5:15 p.m. with my neighbor across the street to take photos of all 4 boys at a great little location nearby and have dinner at Chipotle.

Well, we were planning on leaving to go take pictures around 5 to 5:15 p.m. but when I let Lola in and was petting her when I noticed an odd bump on her. Then another... and another. My dog was apparently attacked and bitten repeatedly by some insect and was having a bad allergic reaction to it. I called the vet that is right outside our neighborhood -- answering machine. So, I called the other one and they got me in immediately. The appointment time? 5pm.

I knew I was going to be fighting daylight to now get to the vet, get home, eat, and get to our photo location. They gave her a steroid shot and a shot of Benadryl. Poor dog. She was shaking and scared and in pain and uncomfortable. It was amazing how ... lumpy her legs and back and rear were from all these bites. So sad.

We load up, get home and meet up with my friend, Kelly. We drive to Chipotle and, unfortunately, the sun was JUST about perfect when we were there. Seriously, we were fighting daylight. We got to the location and you could just tell that the light was NOT going to wait for us. I was bummed. I hate wasting my time. I hate wasting other people's time.... but trying to put a positive spin on it... at least we got to spend some time with our favorite friends at one of our favorite eateries. And, at least she now knows a great place to go shoot some pictures.

I get home and help Josh with his vocabulary homework. He finishes up his math homework and goes upstairs to read and I come try to focus on little Ben. I really feel like between Josh's homework and Ben that Drew is getting a little bit of "the shaft" so I want to find some projects that are just me and Drew. I mean, Ben will obviously BE THERE but maybe while he's asleep or something. Hmm.. we'll have to see.

I guess the only way to end this one is ... at least it's night time and I can go to bed.


  1. I tried to post this here this morning, but had me beat at hot breakfast sandwiches...:-)

  2. really, I am still stuck on Chipotle. That sounds good.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.