
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Amazing how it's a habit. When you're in the habit of doing it, it's no big deal at all. When you're out of the habit it's like... almost a chore to get back in the habit of doing it. BUT, my crappy memory doesn't serve me well and if I want my memories then, by golly, I've got to get in the habit of doing it! Consider this post one of me being back in the habit! :) As I do this friendly little reminder containing snippits of my day, I'm hearing the lullaby of the electric Fisher-Price swing to and fro and a little whiney, double-ear-infected baby giving a big "MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm" moan because he's irritated at being in there. However, this small respite for me is much needed. You see, when he is ill, he wants to be held. ALL.THE.TIME. My arms are SO tired and my patience is SO thin. Today was much better, mind you, but seriously, Mama needs a little break. Today, I was domestic. I:

  • cleaned the playroom. This was much needed since everything that seemed to be out belonged in some type of receptacle and those were scattered about on the floor which meant that there were pieces parts everywhere (those of you that even caught that 80s commercial reference... I'm lovin' ya!)

  • vacuumed the playroom (isn't it amazing how filthy carpet can get when you've turned a carpeted room into a playroom? I'm contemplating getting it cleaned next week.

  • purged more in the refrigerator (see below)

  • vacuumed my wonderful new carpet in my bedroom (finally, after two years... we have carpet in the bedroom. It's shag carpet. Funny, they call shag carpet "frieze" to make it sound fancy. However, anyone that grew up in the 70's knows carpet that isn't Berber or "regular" is "shag.")

  • cleaned my bedroom (this involves removing everything the children haul in on a daily basis that apparently needs to stay there after they leave (grrr))

  • showered before noon (shocker, yes, I know since us stay at home moms tend to do absolutely nothing but watch soaps and eat bon-bons) What exactly is a bon-bon, anyway?

  • planned on making an entirely home-cooked comfort meal (chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and biscuits... is your mouth watering yet?) That was, however, until Andy came home and said he'd go pick up dinner because he was taking the boys for a haircut. Truth is, they need it BADLY. They look "shaggy" just like my carpet!

  • I lost a friend today. He didn't die. He just decided he couldn't be my friend. C'est la vie.

  • I made two new friends today! Does that make me "even Steven" like on Seinfeld?

  • I filled out my paperwork for Northwood MOPS for next year!

  • I picked out two summer camps for Drew to attend.

  • I filled out Josh's summer camp paperwork.

  • I reserved the clubhouse for an end-of-school swimming party for the K classes.

  • I did more "stuff" but nothing else totally noteworthy.

About the refrigerator... we have this great side-by-side refrigerator. It is black. It works fine AS A REFRIGERATOR and a FREEZER. The ice maker works but the dispenser that is on the door does not. The water dispenser on the door is FROZEN so in order for THAT to work, we'd need to empty the unit, unplug it, let it stand 8+ hours so that it would UNfreeze. That still won't fix the ice dispenser -- it's shot! We've already sunk over $500 into this unit on various repairs so when my milk... eggs... produce and what not started to FREEZE ... in the REFRIGERATOR side, I'd had enough.

It was going to be another $300 to get it repaired this time and we just said NO WAY! That was far more than this hunka junk was worth so we were soon on the hunt for a new fridge (last week).

I spent about 20.6 minutes and realized how NOT FUN this process was. I e-mailed Andy and said that I'd rather have my pubic hairs plucked out one by one while being forced to listen to Nancy Pelosi speeches while eating chocolate covered piees of dog crap.... before I spend another minute of my life looking for a fridge. He could do it OR I'd just use the extra fridge in the garage. He started his search. He is looking at the higher end ones (french doors, etc.) I found one for $800 that was pretty much a duplicate of what we currently have. He said no. We found our new GE Profile at Lowes and got a SWEET deal on it so... supposedly it will be here sometime before the end of the month.

As it stands, in the meantime, I'm just trying to use up all the food in it so that I can stock it with fresh, new and improved food! Ha!

Well, I guess Captain Pampers is done singing me songs with his MMM MMM MMM (I hate that MMM MMM MMM song by the Crash Test Dummies, don't you? "ONCE there was this boy who...") it's official whines, now. Got to go.

Hey blog-o-mine, lets make this a habit now? Kay?

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh pubic hairs plucked out, I must say I did the guy thing when they hear about someone being kicked in their junk. Crossed my legs and made that sound of agony.

    OH lord girlie that unit needs to be thrown into the vast land fill and say forget about it!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.