
Monday, May 23, 2011

The beginning of the end

This week marks a lot of endings.... but a lot of new beginnings as well. For starters, this week is the last week of school for Josh and Drew. It marks the last week of a normal schedule in this house. Somewhat. It marks the beginning of my summer shred. It marks the end of junk food and eating poorly for most everyone. It marks the end of no exercise. It marks the beginning of my weight training. It marks the beginning of the end of two particular sizes in my closet that I shall never see again... This is a time of transition.

Today we have Josh's 5th grade trip to Main Event. Tonight he goes to a Rangers game with a friend and we go to see Drew in his kindergarten graduation ceremony.

Tomorrow and Wednesday are, thankfully, uneventful.

Thursday is the 5th grade graduation (during the day) and Drew's Kindergarten graduation celebration park playdate. The boys get out early and Andy takes them both to lunch and Six Flags (public school is still in session so they generally have no lines).

Friday is another half day and it will be followed by a 5th grade end of school swimming party.

Saturday is Josh's 12th birthday. He's going to a Rangers game with Andy, Drew, Dad and a couple of his friends. Seats in the "All-You-Can-Eat" section. :) Smart move!

It's going to be a crazy week. Especially because, I haven't planned the meals yet, either! But, the laundry is done, the house is clean and this has started the final phase of the summer shred.

Yes, no more diets. I'm having a life change. I have found that with the first 15 pounds lost and not eating fast food as much, that when I DO eat it again, it doesn't taste the same. I certainly don't appreciate it. I don't savour it. It isn't satisfying. It's just habit.

However, I've got a container of M&Ms here calling my name but if there is one thing I DO have it's willpower. And I'm hell bent and determined to shred everything that I don't want by the end of summer. (Obviously, I hope it's sooner.)

My knees still aren't 100% yet (I tried Zumba today and when I felt a twinge in one knee, I immediately turned it off and went to pilates and Debbie Seider's DVD). The fact that I'm doing SOMETHING rather than nothing is good enough for me.

I think, too, I'd like to take some before/after photos but DUDE, I do NOT want to see me like this! Ha!

So... the beginning of the end of the old me.... getting geared up for a summer of fun... and I WILL be in a bikini by the end of summer (not that you'll see) but that's a goal! LOL Hey, dream big, right?


  1. Hey girlie sorry I haven't been by in so long!!

    I hear you about the Fast Food, when I eat something that I'm not use to know my stomach tells me right away no go. Way to go with your work out video's I wish the boys would leave me alone so I could do mine. Why I had to join a gym for peace :). Careful with your knee!

    Your week sounds CRAZY like my weekends ... lol

  2. yes, yes .. dream big! I wore my first bikini at 40! haha 3 weeks were going to Vegas .. another bikini time .. so the gym has been busy!
    Have you tried the pretzel m&m's? they are my favorite! .. but you're right, once you start healthy eating .. the process stuff just doesn't taste right. My other major weakness is trail mix I make myself: mix fresh roasted unsalted almonds and cashews with dried cranberries and dried pineapple .. and okay, a little bit of mini M&M's!

  3. Keep it up! I need to get back on my weight loss plan. It's easy to get side tracked.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.