
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Times change
Moods change
Weights change
Ages change
Clothes change
People change
Chump change

The last one doesn't really fit, but it was funny, so I included it. Yet, most of these are definite in this house.

Times change
We've just "sprung forward." Daylight Savings Time has come and gone and now we have more daylight in the time when we're apparently supposed to be taking more advantage of it. It has, however, caused somewhat of an odd phenomena at this house in that my children seemingly want to sleep the entire morning away! My early riser, Drew, has been getting up at 9 and 10. Even as late as 10:30 a.m. and that was only because the dogs woke him. Benji has been sleeping later, too. And, yes, while I understand I should take advantage of this -- later naps mean later nights. That, my friends, is no bueno. This mama LIKES her "me" time. Period. If the musical aquarium is going off in a little person's room, I don't sleep. I don't sleep until he's asleep.

Moods change.
Well, this is fairly self-explanatory. I mean, I AM a woman after all.

Weights change
Yes, why yes they do. I'm very happy about that, too. I give it six months and I'll be close to where I want to be. Building muscle takes time so, since I'm about 10 pounds from my "goal" weight (not my "dream" weight, but my "goal") it's time to start the focus back on strength and agility training and get back into my running routine. I'm ready... just have to go slow so my knees will stay up with me.

Ages change
Little man turns the big T-W-O this month on the 26th. And, boy howdy is he ever in those "terrible two's." Fun fun fun. Drew turns EIGHT this year and Josh turns into a teenager! YIKES! Speaking of YIKES -- I turn the big 4-0 this year, but it's a long ways away so we don't even have to talk about that yet.

Clothes change
And it's such a blessing that they do, too. I couldn't imagine the stank otherwise! Apparently some change clothes more than others. That leaves a lot of laundry, don't you think? Hmmm... Perhaps these people will now soon realize how wonderful it WAS to have someone willing to do your laundry now that they won't anymore. Yes, today was Drew's initiation into the world of spin cycles, laundry softener and sorting colors. Little man kept sending down clothes that were clean in his dirty laundry basket. He wasn't putting up his clothes, either. So, after his two warnings -- third strike. He's out. I'm done. There is a lovely load of darks rollin' in the upright at the present time. Music. Sweet music. Two down, one to go. (Josh has done his own laundry for the most part since age 9 -- he turns 13 in May.)

Self sufficiency is a big thing. I hope other moms out there are walkin' the walk! Men aren't born --they're raised. Responsible and self-sufficient ones are a rare commodity.

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