
Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's JULY!

It's July 1.  This means that 2012 is half over.  Oh wait!  Does that make me a pessimist?  Should I have said, "We have half a year left in which to make memories"? Meh... It means that the year is half over.  You  never realize how fast time flies until you look at major landmarks like that.

A lot has happened in the last six months.
A lot has happened in the last six months that I'd like to forget.
A lot has happened in the last six months that I'd like to happen every single day.

But, it is what it is and that's where it is.

July 1.

Today my son, Josh, leaves for three weeks in Iowa.  I enter a funk of sorts because while I do tend to communicate with him when he's there -- it's never on the level that I enjoy.  He is a texter.  While I am, I appreciate and value the interpersonal communication of a verbal conversation so that I can hear sighs, pauses, laughs, smiles rather than see this...


... typed out on a screen.  But, again, it is what it is.... which is why the funk starts.  I'm nearly 40...he's 13.  C'est la vie, right?

The calendar has some fun scheduled for this month.  Hopefully things will pan out.

This month my goals will be to get back on track with most of the "plans" I have that went on hold about two months ago.

Wish me luck.

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