
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Fill Ins


It's time yet again for Friday Fill-Ins. we go!

1. Oh, that I could learn to ask for and accept help when it is offered instead of being adamant about doing everything myself.

2. It's a sure sign of fall in Texas when the temperature drops below 80

3. Are we having a headache again??!. (I'm afraid the answer is yes, however, it's not a big one... and I am not going to sweat it!  Not today!)

4. My heart is full of love.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight, ghosts, following your gut instinct? I do

6. I'm a stubborn, opinionated, educated, non-sugar-coating, honest, loving, loyal, word-lovin', book-readin', mountain lovin', scrapbookin', photographin', weight liftin', southern girl who loves to cook, camp, spoil those I love, wear fleece and flannel, enjoys the cold, a hot cup of Earl Grey with honey, and appreciate the simple things... and the power of words.  

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to absolutely NOTHING -- may I say that again?  NOTHING!  I have NOTHING ON MY AGENDA for tonight and I'm SO SO SO VERY HAPPY ABOUT IT!, tomorrow my plans include a Halloween party in our cul de sac and Sunday, I want to watch my Broncos defeat the Saints!


  1. Have fun doing nuthin'! I would love a night like that!! Come check out my answers here:

  2. I do the same about asking or taking help. KILLS me!

    OHH enjoy tonight, nothing is always nice .. :)

  3. I LOVE your fill ins! They are so informative, funny, full of insight as to who you might be. Right on!!! Can't wait to see again. blesssings. xox


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.