
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday 9

This week's topic:  Ain't No Other Man

1) Do you believe there's only one person (and there ain't no other) for you? Or do you think we can truly love several partners over the course of our lives?  I think that love can exist in many forms, with the same or different persons... it just depends on the state of evolution in your relationship or if you've entered the realm of predictable platitudes in which palates can become monochromatic.

2) Do you have this, or any other, Christina song on your iPod/mp3 player? I've got several of her songs on my Zune.  I have Ain't No Other Man, Beautiful, Candyman, Dirrty, Fighter, Genie In A Bottle, Keeps Gettin' Better, Not Myself Tonight, and What A Girl Wants

 3) Christina Aguilera won a Grammy for her performance of this song. What do you deserve an award for? And who would you thank in your acceptance speech? If I were to receive an award that is rightfully deserved it would have to be for not single-handedly killing stupid people that seem to flock to my presence in droves.  I'm talking about the douche bags that are not only ignorant but just plain dumb.  In my acceptance speech I would have to not thank anyone but blame Bush.... you know, because that's just what we're apparently supposed to do instead of owning up to what we do in this country. 

 4) Christina Aguilera has her own brand of perfume. Do you have a fragrance or scent you regularly wear? I absolutely love a perfume which is, unfortunately, no longer produced called Escada Collection.  It has a vanilla undertone which I adore!  I can't stand anything powdery, musky, floral or spicy.  I have a very limited palate which I can stand. My olfactory device seems to be quite sensitive.  Half the time if I want to smell nice, I just spray on some Warm Vanilla Sugar body mist from Bath & Body Works because that's my favorite. :)  Simple.  That's my "go to" scent.

5) Do you have any allergies? Yes, see #3 above.  Stupid people.  I'll add to that list:  whiny kids.  I'm also allergic to people who wear clothes that show their bra straps and panty lines.  I think I'm allergic to jerks and children that don't pick up after themselves, too.  That has a tendency to  send me into constant fits of rage making me want to consume copious amounts of Diet Coke, hold them ransom for fresh blueberries and then ship them off to friends' homes for the night so I can drink myself into a stupor.  Ok, that last part is complete bullshit.  But I'll put a dent on a big ole Route 44 Unsweetened Peach Tea from Sonic, yes I will!

 6) There's an older lady who proclaims during a TV commercial, "I will give up beer, bread, wine or soda but I won't give up Life Alert!" No, we're not going to debate her diet. Instead the question is: What are some of the staples that are always on your grocery list? Wow, my inner dork just may surface here but... here ya go.  Skim milk, whey protein, ground flaxseed, steel cut oats, honey, Dannon Lite and Fit vanilla yogurt, Bear Naked vanilla yogurt, strawberries, bananas, grapes, apples, something from the citrus family, every vegetable known to man, rotisserie chicken, raw spinach, sugar free bread, ground turkey... I'm sure there are others but that's what's on the old cranium at present.

 7) What's your favorite sitcom of all time? Seinfeld.  Hands down.  Nothing else comes close.  Period.  Exclamation Point.  End of story.

 8) When it comes to your socks, do you prefer solids, stripes or prints? I don't really care so long as they're comfortable and work well with running shoes.  That being said, they're generally Asics in white with some kind of colorful symbol on the back.

 9) At what age do you consider a person "middle aged?" And when do they transition to "old?"  Not only to I freakin, f'n, frackin' hate this question.... I resemble it and it sucks.  I think 40 is middle aged.  40-59 is middle aged.  Once you hit 60, you're old.  Period.  Bleh.  

1 comment:

  1. I actually snort a little on the allergy : stupid people.

    Have I told you how much I adore you! hehe I so needed my bloggy friend back who can make me laugh and even snort!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.