
Friday, December 7, 2012

Par-tay time!

Today was the annual Grapevine Colleyville Southlake Mom's League Christmas party.  

I was up and ready on time but Captain Pampers had other ideas.  Once I convinced him that bacon and pancakes (it's really French toast but we're not telling him that, okay?) were downstairs, he was out his bedroom looking for some fun.  A quick bite and then out the door we were!  All dressed up (somewhat) in holiday attire ready to par-tay!

Upon arrival, the mini-train was taking off and Benji was glad it was gone.  He stared it down from the parking lot until it was out of sight.  That was apparently quite the crazy train as it was doing loops and steering to and fro through the parking lot.

Benji is now at the stage where he wants to walk -- EVERYWHERE!  So, the walking (dawdling) coupled with new sights, sounds and faces made it a loooooooong walk into the church.  I'm not one to really care about that, however, because that's the only way they're truly going to be allowed to savor the sights and sounds and smells and fully experience new places.  That's why you either have to a) be early or b) don't give a damn about when you arrive.  Today, I chose option "b".  

Inside it was SO festive!  They always do such a great job.  They had activity tables set up to decorate cookies, make ornaments, an area to meet Santa and have pictures, snacks, a corral little tikes, and even an indoor bounce house.  The tables were covered in festive tablecloths with fluffy tree centerpieces.  Everything was just GREAT!

Benji had to stop a few times just to take it all in.  Moms with daughters had them all fluffed up in adorable tights and tutus, hair bows and dresses with mini Mary Janes even.  Little boys were in their holiday attire as well... (you know jeans, t-shirts with random faces, etc.)  Apparently, clothing manufacturers don't realize that some moms actually LIKE our boys to look cute, too.  Grrrrr...

I took Benji by the hand (as much as you can take a reluctant toddler by the hand) and led him around the room to check everything out.  Food.  The kid wanted FOOD.  Apparently ANYTHING served on a stick is THE BOMB!  (Note to self made in permanent marker!)  Then we walked to the stage to check out Santa.  He was a GREAT looking Santa.  I asked B if he wanted to go meet him and he (very confidently) said, "NO!" and turned to walk the other direction.  Point made.

Off for more fruit on a stick.

Then he kept eyeing the bouncy house in the corner.  From time to time you'd hear a random scream of delight but that caused him great concern.  I tried to get him to walk closer to the bouncy house but he was having absolutely nothing to do with being in close proximity of a large structure that apparently ate children.  You see, he witnessed several of his friends from playgroup crawl inside... and NEVER RETURN!  (Gasp!)  Note to self:  Bouncy houses are definitely out for the next birthday.  

I asked him if he wanted to ride the choo-choo.  "Yes."  So we walked outside.  He saw the train and immediately said, "No."  I did the "mom thing"... "Oh, come on... you'll love it."  So, we went in the middle car, the conductor came in and Benji's waterworks started.  He wanted to be OUTSIDE to WATCH the train.  He did NOT want to have anything to do with being INSIDE the train.  Unfortunately for him, this mom knew he just needed to go for a ride.  I pulled him on my lap so he knew it would be fine.  His buddy was behind us in the other car and off we went.  Just as suspected, he loved it.  (This photo was the wind blown look after riding the train.)  

We ventured back inside and he ate some more.... we chatted with friends... and soon it was time to leave.

This mama headed for Chipotle and grabbed a veggie bowl.  It has red tomatoes and green I feel that I've eaten my share of holiday spirit today.

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