
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Saturday 9: Christmas Carols

Welcome to another edition of Saturday 9.  This week's topic:  Christmas Carols.  Come join in the fun!

1) What's the first holiday song that comes to mind?  "Blue Christmas" by Elvis.  It's my all-time favorite Christmas song.  I do also love Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" as well so long as it's not full of the Beiber baby.

2) Are you sending cards (either by postal service or email) this year? If so, have they gone out yet?  Usually I have the list compiled and the cards out by the 10th of the month but I just wasn't feeling it this year so no cards from us.  

3) Can you see any holiday decorations from where you're answering these questions?  Of course!  My house looks like Christmas threw up all over the place.

4) Do you wrap gifts in paper or take the gift bag route?  Wrapped in paper of course.  I do, however, take the gift bag route if it's difficult to wrap.  

5) The holidays are an important fundraising time for charities. Here's an opportunity to do a shameless plug for your favorite. What organization or cause do you wish got more support at the holidays, and all year around?  Irving Police and Fire Blue Christmas.  My mom started this charity 30 something years ago when she was a patrol officer at the Irving Police Department.  She came in contact with may families that needed assistance during this time of year.  It has evolved into an amazing organization full of caring hearts that come together for the community of Irving each year.  I'm proud to be a part of it.

6) Andy Williams was famous for his family holiday specials. What TV family would you most like to spend Christmas with?  I don't watch TV... but if I had to pick I'll go with... The Ingalls (you know, the ones from Little House on the Prairie).  

7) The holidays are a big time for travel. Where did you go on your first airplane flight?  I went to Rocky Mount, NC, to visit my Uncle Buddy.

8) Does the weather have an impact on your mood?  Nope.  Well, not unless I'm having to break down camp in a cold downpour.  That's not a lot of fun.

9) Snack time! You're about to make yourself your favorite sandwich. What ingredients do you need?  Crunchy peanut butter and banana.  YUM!!!

1 comment:

  1. Peanut butter and banana -- that's a sandwich suited for the King of Rock 'n Roll! Your charity sounds completely awesome. Good for you!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.