
Saturday, March 9, 2013

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 9


Day 9 - What's On Your Life List / Bucket List

You know, I've never really contemplated a true "bucket" list.  I've seen them all over Pinterest where people start pinning things they hope to do before they die.  I guess I'm a boring person in that I don't really have a huge list of things I want to do.  

I mean, sure I'd like to visit the Grand Canyon but... I'm not going to feel like I missed out on life if I don't.  It's a big hole in the ground.  Whoopie!

I'd love to be a part of Sturgis...

... take my Ducati Monster Dark along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina...

I guess... to finish my degree would be one of them... it's stupid to have come so far and not to have finished it, but again, I don't feel less of a person or that my life will be any less genuine should I not have a piece of paper. I don't need a piece of paper to feel validated or of value.

I'd love to see a gazillion places overseas and soak up the culture of foreign lands just based on the history alone... destinations in Italy, Ireland, England, Greece, Egypt, France, Turkey...

I would like to visit the Statue of Liberty... I've seen it many times from the mainland but never took the time to cross in a ferry.  I don't feel like I've missed out on not being physically THERE... because I *have* seen it but it'd be kinda cool TO see it.

Own my own cabin in Colorado

Move out of the 'burbs to a "real" home that I designed... that's on like 15 acres or something.  

... hike/backpack the Appalachian trail

...learn to play a couple of my favorite songs on the guitar

... take classes at a culinary school

... watch my children graduate college.. with highest honors (ha ha!)

... own my own business.  I have the drive, determination, passion, intelligence and tenacity to do this... just need to find WHAT I want TO do.

... take a week-long trip with the girls... and NOT have to do laundry, cooking, cleaning or ANYTHING upon my return.

(I find it abundantly entertaining that I can find NO images to support this notion.  Apparently, I'm an idiot.)

<3  Peace

1 comment:

  1. I Love your list too! Funny, I just moved to NC from AZ. I think I went to the Grand Canyon once. ;) I have seen it on so many lists that it makes me wonder why we didn't go more often!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.