
Monday, April 1, 2013

This kid..

This kid...

This kid is my middle son.  Drew.  I call him Drewdles.  He's my favorite 8 year old.  He's understanding... but sneaky.  Smart and clever.  He's not one to follow... definitely a leader.  

Today we were discussing classes to register for at for the summer session of College For Kids at Tarrant County College.  I told him his best friend wasn't signing up for any of the classes he had and asked if he wanted to change any classes... he said, "No, I like what I have.  I can just make new friends."

I love that attitude!  Don't change what you want just to follow the crowd!  Be a leader.  Make new friends.  I've been in the same boat and made the same choices.  He made me proud today!


  1. Ha! That's not your dog. You would know you can't wash dreads.

    Thanks for the hip and very honest answers to the Sunday stealing. You made it very fun to read. I didn't do Sunday stealing this week. I know, but it was Easter.

    I should never attempt to comment this late at night!

  2. Drew sounds awesome. We are moving this summer and Peyton will go to a new school and I'm way more nervous than she is.

  3. He is a cutie!! My daughter is the same way about doing her own thing and making new friends. It's a great quality. I love that you call him Drewdles.

  4. G Drew! The most rewarding path is your own!

  5. That's so awesome! It's great that he's already making his own way in the world at such a young age.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.