
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday 9 - Greased Lightnin

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Greased Lightnin'

1) Greased Lightnin' was the name of a car. Have you ever given your car a name?  Doesn't everyone?  My first few cars -- notsomuch.  I had a white Pontiac Grand Am that I called Snowball, a red Jeep Cherokee that I lovingly nicknamed Clifford and I now drive a black minivan that we call "Mini".  If you've seen Cars, you know that the minivan was called "mini" and I thought that was so cute so I chose that for my swaggar wagon.  

2) Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash this weekend?  Lawd that's the understatement of the century!  It's not this bad... yet, however.

3) This song is from the soundtrack of the movie Grease, the biggest money-making movie musical of all time. Have you ever seen it?  Not only have I seen it... I own it...and could probably do a monologue of Sandy's lines... I know every song by heart and have kicked some major karaoke butt singin' em!  Every girl I know wanted a pair of Candies, some black spandex and some HUGE blonde hair!  "Tell me about it... stud!"

4) John Travolta's astrological sign is Aquarius. What's yours?  Sagittarius.  Don't ask me anything about what my sign means because I call bullshit on all that nonsense!  Truthfully, it's completely bogus.

5) In addition to being John Travolta's birthplace, Englewood, New Jersey, played a significant role in telecommunications history. In 1951, Englewood's mayor made the first-ever direct dial long-distance call in the United States. Now it's your turn. Tell us something about your birthplace.  I was born in Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas.  The City of Dallas is about as racially divided and its City Council as morally corrupt as they come.  I don't live there.  Never will.  Oh, and the "Dallas" Cowboys actually play in ARLINGTON, Texas.  Jerry Jones, their owner, is a complete asshat that needs to fire himself as General Manager and until he dies... the team will never be the team that they COULD be...and that's sad.  Dallas.... oh boy.

6) Travolta is an excellent dancer. How are you on the dance floor?  I am better than Elaine.

7) Grease is an upbeat musical about the students of Rydell High. Another Travolta movie is Carrie, which features the worst prom night imaginable. Grease or Carrie -- which is closer to your high school experience?  Grease...for sure.

8) What was your best subject in high school? What was your worst?  English... Physics (THANK YOU JEFF VANWHY!)

9) Sam made good use of the bus ride to school, using that time to complete her homework. What do you remember about getting to or from school?  Sam Hall, my best friend, took me to school as soon as he had a vehicle though it was out of the way for him.  But, usually it WAS Sam -- or my boyfriend at the time -- although those frequently varied as I did, as I do now, have a very low tolerance for bullshit.


  1. "We go together like rama lama lama
    ke ding a de dinga a dong, remembered forever, like shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom." Yes, I'm a little familiar with the Grease songs too. But I don't doubt you could kick my butt at karaoke.

  2. I would love to see YOU dance! Your honesty in your answers is so refreshing

  3. Oh how I love that movie ...

    Hand Jive and all ... shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop,shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, YEH

    I seem to name all my cars Meme ... i know it's nuts.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.