
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 5 - Suicide?

Day 5:  A Time When You Thought of Ending Your Own Life

Perhaps I'm a freak of nature but... I've never really wanted to end my life.  Yeah, I was in great despair when someone broke up with me (though that was rare).  Yeah, I thought my world was over when my parents split up...

Sure I hated the cliques and "mean girls" at school....

Sure, I hated life (at times) when I was getting divorced...

I sunk to depths of depression when Don died...

...but I never, ever thought of killing ME?

I think that's just the single biggest cowardly act someone can do.  NOTHING is so bad that you should off yourself.  It's for the weak... and the stupid.  Chastise me if you will.  I don't give a {BLEEP}.  My blog.  My opinions.

Suicide is STUPID.  If you're so weak you can't handle life.... hell, DO IT.... do it especially when you're YOUNG so that you're parents can go through their ENTIRE LIVES blaming themselves... do it before you have your own children who will then BLAME THEMSELVES thinking it was THEIR fault... that they should have been better kids, that they should have been quieter... NOTHING is so bad that you can't put on your game face, deal with it and MOVE ON.

Suicide isn't an answer, it's just the creation of a world of problems for everyone else.... it's the biggest selfish, cowardly act someone else can do... ESPECIALLY if they have people depending on them.  There is help for people that are effed up in the head.... just don't be a pathetic weakling and NOT ask for it.  It makes me mad.  And the whole "cry for help" crap... seriously... do the world a favor... stop being PATHETIC.  Just get help...

Suicide... not my solution...


  1. I couldn't have said it better! Thanks for 'getting it'

  2. I don't understand people being so overwhelmed, but I do understand people honestly feeling like they have no control, voices in their heads, take meds, don't take meds etc. I agree it's selfish, but can't bring myself to say its stupid.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.