
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday 9 - Daddy's Back

1) Crazy Sam's dad often traveled for business, and always remembered to bring her the little complimentary soaps or body lotions he got from the hotel. When you travel, do you bring back souvenirs? Send post cards?
I do purchase souvenirs sometimes, but usually not for me... more for my kiddos.  I can't go anywhere without picking up SOMETHING for them.  That's like... mean.  I tend to travel with my camera so my treats come after I process all my photos.  Oh, and no on the post cards.  

2) When you fly, do you prefer window or aisle? Or doesn't it matter?
I prefer aisle for the simple fact that I hate being stuck in the row.  

Well, couple that with the fact that I have a teenie itty bittie baby bladder and have to pee all.the.time.  So, the thought of inconveniencing anyone because of my propensity to eliminate on a regular basis.... warrants an aisle seat.  Who wants to be HER?

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Plus, if I travel with my kids, I like them to be able to watch.  The one bonus of the window seat is that you're in control of the shade.  I like to lower it... leave it lowered... lean against the wall and sleep.  

3) According to, Jim Anderson (Robert Young) of Father Knows Best is the best TV dad ever. Who is your favorite TV (or movie) dad?
Robert Young... yeah, he's a good one!  I also like Andy Griffith, Michael Landon or Bill Cosby.  I hate how the father figures in today's modern television shows tends to be somewhat of an imbecile.  Long gone are the days of strong parental role models -- even if you're getting them from television shows.

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4) Sam's father was the family disciplinarian. What about you? Do you consider yourself a rule maker, a rule follower, or a rule breaker?
I'm the rule maker.  I am the rule follower.  If you balk on the rules, your authority isn't always as credible.  I don't parent to make friends... I parent to raise responsible, helpful, moral members of society with thinking minds and feeling hearts and that tends to come from boundaries and consequences.

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5) Sam's father was the one who gave her driving lessons. Think back to your first few times behind the wheel. Were you a naturally good driver?
No.  I was terrified.  My dad taught me how to drive a stick shift in my high school parking lot.  I was convinced I was never going to learn how to drive.  Hated it.  But I can drive the hell out of one now.  So if you're going to ask?  Why yes...

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6) This week's featured artist, Kenny Loggins, was born in Washington state. Have you ever lived in, or traveled to, any of our northern border states? (For those of you not as well versed in geography as Crazy Sam, that's AK, WA, MT, ND, MN, WI, MI, PA, NY, VT, and ME.)
I have been to Maine and New York.  Love them.  Would go back in a heartbeat!

I would LOVE to go and plan to go to Alaska. That is definitely one location that's on the ole bucket list.  To witness the Aurora Borealis is something I have to experience, capture and live IN PERSON.
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Washington, I'd like to experience the orcas in Puget Sound... hike the trails around Mt. St. Helen's or Mt. Ranier... or just be present in the vast wilderness that spans a great portion of the state--- it's TRULY beautiful country!
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Montana is another beautiful mountainous state with the Rockies extending through the lower southwest corner.  I'm a mountain girl... and frankly, Montana's winters may force me to hibernate, but it's a beautiful state nevertheless!
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Pennsylvania... to visit the Poconos in the fall would be HEAVENLY! Mountains!  I'd go there, however, just for the history alone!  But feast your eyes upon this amazing colorscape?  Who wouldn't want to be there to drink this in your veins?  Sites like this simply feed my soul.
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and definitely Vermont.  I want to do a photo tour there of all the old farms and bridges... that would be heavenly.  I need to live in an RV and just travel and take photos and write and be a gypsy.  What would be awesome, however, is to have a B&B in a locale such as this!
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I'm not sure I have any sort of desire to go to Michigan (other than to see Amy, Janet, Gwen or my other friends that live there!).  But, that's primarily because I don't know what there is to do there.  All I ever hear is the bad stuff...(it's most ALWAYS Detroit.  That city has ruined it for the whole state!)

and the bad weather...
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and the corrupt politics... 

and the bad economy... 

and the crime.  
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And, to be perfectly honest -- since we're being honest here -- are we not?...  I've never even HEARD of ANYTHING from Wisconsin (other than the Green Bay Packers)...and North Dakota just doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

7) As part of the duo Loggins and Messina, Loggins performed the song "House at Pooh Corner." Do you have a favorite character from the Winnie the Pooh books/movies?
I am a HUGE fan of the silly 'ole bear himself, Pooh.  I did Josh's nursery in Classic Winnie The Pooh.  (Just thinking of that made me smile.)  I painted a mural in his room.

8) The mercury is going to start rising. How hot is too hot for you? 85º? 95º? Or are you one of those "the hotter the better" people?
I hate summer.  I live in Texas.  It's already topped out at 103 here.  It sucks.  You stick to your seats.  You bother to take a shower only to break into a sweat just walking to your car.  It's too hot to do anything... ever.  I hibernate in the summer....get out in the spring, fall and winter.  Did I mention I HATE TEXAS SUMMERS?  HATE HATE HATE!
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9) To celebrate Father's Day, Sam is giving away her father's favorite candy: LifeSavers. Would you prefer a roll of Wild Cherry, or Butter Rum, or Winter Green or Peppermint?
I'm not big on LifeSavers but if you were gonna hand me any of them, I wouldn't turn them down. 

Want to play along with Saturday 9?  Link up here.


  1. "I'm the rule maker. I am the rule follower. If you balk on the rules, your authority isn't always as credible. I don't parent to make friends... I parent to raise responsible, helpful, moral members of society with thinking minds and feeling hearts and that tends to come from boundaries and consequences."

    Best part of your whole post! That is the kind of parent I am....certainly doesn't make me popular, but I don't care

  2. Man, I wish I had some of your "kick-butt" parenting style. My Mama used to tell me kids could see SUCKER written all over me. I like to think that I've gotten better...hopefully.

  3. The Poconos are so beautiful! I really enjoyed that part of the country. Pa Ingalls is a very good choice (that's my favorite question to see the answer to this week).


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.