
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday 9 - Just The Way You Are

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: (Amazing) Just the Way You Are

1) This song is about a girl who can't accept how pretty she is. How do you respond to compliments? Do you accept them graciously, or do you get embarrassed?  
For the most part I just feel that people are full of crap.  I do, however, try to say thanks and change the subject.  I don't accept them willfully whatsoever. They make me feel awkward.

2) Bruno says he takes inspiration from a variety of musical styles -- everything from rock to reggae to hip hop. What kind of music do you listen to most often?
I have no favorite.  I love music!  I listen to everything from country to jazz to rap to pop to R&B to punk to metal to disco and more!

3) Bruno's uncle was a professional Elvis impersonator, and as a little boy Bruno also performed on stage as the King. When you picture Elvis, do you think of early rock'n'roll Elvis from the 1950s, Technicolor Hollywood Elvis of the 1960s, or the rhinestone jumpsuit Elvis who performed in Las Vegas?
Yes.  I LOVE ELVIS.  I love ALL Elvi personalities.... early, technicolor and jumpsuit!  If he's in's (to do my best Rhino) "SO AWESOME!"  Blowing kisses to my hunka hunka burnin love...

4) Bruno plays several instruments onstage, including piano, guitar and congas. What instruments can you play?
I can't.  I wanted to learn to play guitar but.... yeah, that didn't happen... yet

5) Bruno is touring all over the country this summer. What's the last concert you attended?
I went to see Bon Jovi.  

6) Unlike some other stars, Bruno doesn't demand a lot of luxuries on the road, but he did admit to TMZ that he insists Wet Wipes be provided for his dressing room. If you could ask your boss for anything, anything at all, to make your workplace more comfortable, what would you request?
A nanny.

7) Rumors are flying that Bruno might become a judge on American Idol. Are you an Idol fan? Do you watch any of the other "talent search" shows -- The Voice, America's Got Talent, The X Factor, etc.?
OH GOD PLEASE SAY THAT IS A RUMOR!!@#!@$#@!$  I hate reality television. American Idol is so washed up and yesterday's news.  That disgusting black chick on it.  I don't even know her name... she needs to go away.  The ridiculous crap I hear on morning radio shows about the two female judges (I don't even KNOW who the second one even is) is just stupid.  The show had its time and now it's time for it to go away.  It's yesterday's news and no one cares.  I hate reality television.
But I did just discover it was Mariah Carey... yeah, who cares.  

8) Bruno is an unapologetic cigarette smoker. Do you smoke? Have you quit? Or did you never start?  
No, it's disgusting.  It makes your breath stink.  It makes your hair stink.  It makes your fingers stink.  It makes your clothes stink.  It makes your car stink.  It makes YOU STINK.... it makes your teeth yellow.  It makes you age prematurely.  It is DISGUSTING and gross and toxic and STUPID.  Tell me, which set of lungs would YOU like to have?  

9) Billy Joel also had a hit with the title "Just the Way You Are." If we were going to do karaoke, which version would you sing -- Billy's or Bruno's?
Oh, this is an EVIL question.  I love them both!  Hmmm... Probably Bruno, because it has a special meaning to me.


  1. Love that photo of Elvis. You know, some have made some pissy Elvis comments and that surprised me. I mean, how unAmerican is it to diss the King!

  2. Me too! I love the KING. There will never be another KING

  3. I heard that Supernanny has a new show on TLC.

  4. Ahh, see... now I know why I lost you at the Lilo & Stitch Elvis association :) I love that picture of Elvis. He was such a cutie, even if I've never been a fan of his music.

  5. I will watch the Bruno Mars video. I have never seen his work. #feelinguncultured

  6. do know that song. I suppose from a frequent commercial or something.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.