
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Up Before the Roosters

Welcome back to your daily edition of nonsense.  Paula's Place's QOTD is:  What is your favorite part of the day and why?

I would have to say that my favorite time of the day is generally early morning when no one else is up.  And let's be honest here, however, I'm not talking 7am... I'm talking 430am-5am (assuming I've actually been able to SLEEP for at LEAST 6 hours which doesn't seem to happen anymore).  I'm up before the roosters!

I can get out of the house and get my sweat on (the gym opens at 5) and be back before anyone has even had an inkling that I was gone.  I get back in time to get breakfast going and everyone ELSE up and on their way to having a great day, too.  

If it's a weekend, however, that is my "ME" time.  It's time to read, zone, think, relax.  I get to enjoy the quiet, the peace.  

Besides, my mood is generally better in the mornings when I've been able to get my heart rate up a bit.  Funny how that works that way.


  1. Ugh...I need my sleep. Plus, no way could I exercise in the am, with all the stiffness it takes a good part of the day to work out the kinks enough to exercise. Used to like working out after work when I had regular hours, helped to burn off work related frustrations. Now, without a normal schedule I can't plan any specific time to do much of anything.
    Tick Tock Says the Clock

  2. I used to be able to get by with very little sleep. Those days are sure over.

  3. I prefer to workout in the mornings, but I'm not sure I can be as happy as you are about it. :-)

  4. I used to get up that early in the mornings too. Then Elexis started sleeping in a bit more, so I was able to adjust. I do like being up when no one else is. Such a peace. Should I be doing housework?; yes, but I don't. I don't want to risk waking anyone up (yeah, that's it!). I like working out in the mornings because I get it over with.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.