
Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Will Always Love You

It's time for my absolute most favorite meme of the week!  Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: I Will Always Love You

1) The Bodyguard is the best-selling movie soundtrack ever and this is the song most often associated with Whitney Houston. Is it on your iPod/mp3 player?  Nope, I can't say that it is.  I did Google the songlist.  Here it is:  

  1. I Will Always Love You
  2. I Have Nothing
  3. I'm Every Woman
  4. Run To You
  5. Queen of the Night
  6. Jesus Loves Me
  7. Even If My Heart Would Break
  8. Someday (I'm Coming Back)
  9. It's Gonna Be A Lovely Day
  10. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding
  11. Waiting For You
  12. Trust In Me
  13. Theme from "The Bodyguard"
For the record, I really liked THIS Whitney:
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And, not THIS Whitney:

Photo Source

So, yeah I have to say again.  No.  And ... yeah... never.

2) In the movie, Rachel (Whitney) sings "I Will Always Love You" after she realizes she can never see Frank (Kevin Costner) again. What song reminds you of a past love? 

3) Despite the movie's and the song's overwhelming popularity, Whitney Houston was awarded a Razzie Award as the worst actress of 1992. What's the most recent criticism you received?  You'll probably laugh.. it's that I'm too hard on myself and that I need to cut myself some slack because I hold myself to a ridiculous standard that can't be maintained.  Yeah.... bleh.  

It's kind of like Mr. Incredible saying, "What could happen to us?  We're Superheroes!"  And... then he gets sued.  

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4) On the bright side, share the last compliment you received.  Well, as much as I'd love to tell you, I honestly can't remember receiving one anytime soon.  I'm okay with that.  I'd rather receive none than my life to be filled with asshats filling my head full of fluff that wasn't true.  Besides, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.  Right?  

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5) In the 1980s, when Whitney first burst onto the scene, a trendy woman wore big hair, big bows and big shoulder pads. Can you think of anything you wore that was fashionable at the time, but looking back, makes you cringe? (An embarrassing photo to accompany your answer would be nice!)  I love you, but not enough to wade through boxes of photos!  LOL  I would probably have to say acid washed jeans were a nightmare... I had big 80s hair (who didn't).  Haha... I did a Google search for "big 80s hair" and I would just encourage you to do the same.  It's a great laugh! 

6) When this song was popular, cell phones were uncommon and Facebook was unheard of. Which has had a bigger impact on your life -- smart phones or social networking?  You know me, I refuse to choose. Social networking has kept me in touch (the easy way) with friends I've had since elementary school and beyond.  However, smart phones have kept me productive when I would usually just have ridiculous amounts of downtime.  I do see the need, however, to be intentional and completely unplug on a more frequent basis.  However, one USES a smartphone to ENGAGE in social media ergo, the to are not mutually exclusive entities but also one in the same!  Yay me!  I don't HAVE to choose.
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7) Whitney's marriage to Bobby Brown left many people shaking their heads. Whitney and Bobby's daughter recently married the young man who was raised as her brother. Have you ever been in a relationship your friends/family didn't approve of?  WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?  She married the man who was raised as HER BROTHER???? OH GOOD LORD where do they live??? KENTUCKY?  Okay, I looked it up... that's just gross....but whatever... I will never even attempt to understand those Hollywood types.

Wait, what were you asking?  Of course...hasn't everyone dated someone whom your parents considered (even just a teensie bit) unsavory?  That's part of being a stupid teenager.  

8) Whitney Houston's grave marker reads, "I Will Always Love You," so obviously her family is very proud of the success of this recording. How would you like to be remembered?  A mother that loved her children with every fiber of her being but didn't do everything for them... who equipped them to be successful, humble, peaceful men... and who loves Boston Terriers... and scrapbooking... and can type REALLY fast... and is... RIPPED...not SHREDDED like Dana Linn Bailey, but... bikini model quality!  HA!

Photo Source

9) Whitney was born in Newark, the largest city in New Jersey. It's a major air, rail and shipping hub, and it's in the Eastern Time zone. Have you ever been to Newark ... or any town in New Jersey?  I have.  It smelled.  

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1 comment:

  1. Bikini Model quality? Damn, I am envious. That's a compliment, by the way.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.