
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One Little Word 2014

Every year I choose a theme word to give me something to hold onto during times that may be challenging... or to give me direction on where I think my attention needs to be channeled.

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There is a woman who started the whole "One Little Word" movement.  Her name is Ali Edwards (that's her quote above).  For those of you out there who may not be in the scrapbooking world, she's a pioneer in the industry and one that continues to amaze and surprise me.  Mostly, however, she inspires me!

There is a new generation of people out there who have also started a One Word 365 movement.  They are located here.  It's a pretty unique concept in that you are grouped into "tribes" with others who share the same one word journey as you.  It could be quite interesting to see what direction others take with their word.  It could inspire you.

However, without further delay... my word for 2014:  FOCUS

Photo source

I have an incredible amount of energy.  I have an incredible amount of projects.  I have several time-intensive hobbies.  I have a lot I want to learn.  I love Facebook.  I have three children.  I have a husband.  I have a family.  I have three dogs.  I have demands on me, my time, my talents... and sometimes I lose focus.  I'm hoping to use my journey with my word to remind myself sometimes to focus on the task at hand.... other times to focus on what truly matters... and yet other times to focus on what the end result will be.


  1. hi! I found you via OneWord because we have the same word for the year :) do you have a twitter account I could follow?

  2. I love your word. I have a hard time with 'focus' cause there are so many 'focus-stealers' in my life.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.