
Saturday, December 27, 2014

27th and It's On...

I've spent the majority of my day wrapped up in dusting, laundry, purging, cleaning, simplifying and organizing.  I've surfed my entire Feedly list and took in all the information I was comfortable with.  I contemplated removing the fa-la-la and packing it all away until next year but I think I'll save that nugget for tomorrow.  Today I read some amazing blog entries.  I logged onto Facebook and read everything from passive-aggressive rants, to full-blown confessionals, pleas for prayers and photos of celebrations and yearly reviews.  It's a roller coaster ride for sure.  I've refereed fights, emptied dishwashers, culled collections, organized blocks, built a shelf unit, read, ate, and mostly looked at a lot of aspects of my life in a new light.

So, it's on right now... it's time to contemplate the word, MY word... for my focus.  My yearly journey with a constant theme... and frankly, it's something that I'm thinking about when I read the entries on several of the Facebook groups I'm in.

... the word echoes in my thoughts, deeds and actions.

... and in the posts and sought after hope from others out there in a land of busy.

... in a land of over-planned and stressed-out.

... in the world where we are so plugged in to the insignificant that we miss the very target which we seek because we are so distracted with the chaos around us...

...with the busy...
...the schedules...
...the technology...
...the demands...
...the kids...
...the sports...
...the lessons...
...the homework...
...the cleaning...
...the volunteering...
...the career...
...the cooking...

You see all of this is a choice.  To BE "busy" is a choice.  To BE "overscheduled" is a choice.  To FEEL "obligated" is a choice.

You see, Pinterest makes it LOOK so easy with all these plans of perfection on how to make everything super over the top incredible (the FIRST TIME wink wink) with this aaaaaahhhhhdorable little printable form.  Unfortunately, life isn't always able to be contained in one neat little printout.

My life?  My life is what happens in between those neat little organized lines of busy... and my word -- it's something I've started doing toward the end of this year already... and I will have to tell you that this fall has probably been one of the best yet... and why?

It's because I chose... I CHOSE to put ME first... and SIMPLIFY.

Similarly, to SIMPLIFY is a choice.

I feel I have chosen well.

The best part is... I have a way to take you all on this journey too... I hope you enjoy getting down in the trenches to help simplify, organize, plan and maintain your lives too... even when consistently choosing to simplify all along the way.

My word, my focus, my direction, my goal for this year is to simplify.  

1 comment:

  1. That is a perfect word for 2015. I am still trying to figure out what mine will be. I can't wait to follow your journey to "simplify".


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.