
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Drew's 1st Day of School

Ladies and gentlemen -- he did it! It was his first day back at preschool and he ASKED to go to the bathroom... twice. :) I now see that all my apprehension about his bathroom abilites were all for naught. But, at least now, he IS potty trained.

I think Drew was quite excited about school as well. Last night, he would NOT to go sleep. Now, it COULD have been the fact that for dinner he had the icing from two spiderman cupcakes and a push pop but hey, it was a holiday. Anyhow, I digress, I believe the last time I went to his room it was well after 9 o'clock (he was tucked in at 7:30). He had his light on, was sitting in his chair putting on some socks and there were about five or six books strewn about his bed. He seemed to believe he was doing nothing wrong. Ugh. I guess he could have worse habits than READING! (GASP) Ha ha...

Then this morning when I went to get he and Josh up and ready for school, he was already up, again -- READING!

I tried to pick him out something "cute" to wear but he wanted NOTHING to do with cute clothes and pulled a red t-shirt out of his closet and said, "I wear dis." So, mom caved and put on the grungy red t-shirt and shorts. Who cares, they're just clothes right? Ugh. It's ONLY pictures of his FIRST DAY back at preschool.. NO BIGGIE right?! Grrrr...

We got his backpack all packed up for school including his Lumpy to sleep with (the Heffalump from Winnie the Pooh), his nap mat, his stamps for going potty, put a change of clothes in a baggie in case we had any accidents... we were off. We got there and he wanted to wear his back pack, no he wanted to drag it. His Mimi got him a wheelie back pack with Spiderman on it! It's quite an exciting thing to have a wheelie Spiderman backpack, let me tell ya! We walked in and he proceeded straight to his old classroom and I got to explain to him that he's a big boy now and we took a right turn into the turtle class where he will be spending his school year. :) He paused at the door and didn'td want to enter at first. He just clutched onto his backpack handle realizing that this place is different. There was only one other boy there (and HE was wearing cute clothes for his first day!) and Drew took a minute and then saw a lot of cars on the floor and he was engaged. He barely even said bye to me... so, I guess that's good for a first day right?! :)

My little man... :) first day back at preschool -- sigh. :)

He looks WAY to grown up in this photo!
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Check out the fangs!
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This is the classy shirt he picked out to wear. :) Nothing like the great collared Gap shirt I'd picked out but at least the message is clear! Little Kid BIG Plans
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Mimi gave us our rolly SPIDERMAN backpack --we are ultra cool because of this!
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No school day is complete without SPIDERMAN shoes!
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His first day was only a two hour day so that all the children could get to know one another, their teachers and the classroom. Thursday is the first FULL day (yea me! I get a hair cut) so I ran to the Container Store to buy storage bins for Josh and Drew's school work for the year... went and made all the copies for MOPS and stopped at the eye doctor to look at frames... OH my GOSH holy cow BATMAN frames are EXPENSIVE! $270 for a piece of PLASTIC!?! That is just freakin ROBBERY. There is NO WAY those things even REMOTELY cost that to make... that has to be like a 500% mark up... IN FREAKIN SANE. I hate that I need them, and new tennis shoes AND a new phone... all at the same time. :( waaaah!

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