
Sunday, September 2, 2007

New Year New Rules New Commitments

One week down and if you ask Josh, a million and fifty to go. Everything with him that has a number is automatically 150. "Wow, there is probably 150 of those there." I can't imagine going through life not knowing any sort of quantitive idea of anything. I mean, I'm sure if you ask him that he wouldn't say that there are 150 kids in his classroom, but any number that is too high for him to imagine, it's always 150. Kinda funny, quirky thing about him.

Drew... Drew is a hoot. I had him help me the other day count all of Josh's money that was in his ATM bank so that I could make sure that the amount was accurate and he could KNOW how much he had. I did the bills, gave the boys the change and I had Josh counting and told Drew to count the pennies. He started out, "one monies, two monies, three monies..." It was so adorable. He wants to help and it's sweet but unless you have the patience, it can also be SO FRUSTRATING!! Sometimes I have the patience for it, sometimes I don't. But, I'm trying.

I just realized when looking at my schedule the other day -- WOW I have a lot on my plate. I did not volunteer this year to be the room mom for Josh's class. I think this year I will just assist and send stuff like a lot of them did last year. A friend of mine had to participate in a sort of "lottery" for the events they had scheduled for her son because everyone WANTED to jump in and do something. Wow, I can't imagine. I think I got the room with lots of working families.

Drew starts preschool on Tuesday (for just 1/2 a day but at this point, I'm ready to welcome any break.) The summer was far too long and man alive we just need some healthy time apart. I love him but he is SO active it wears me out sometimes. Couple that with it just being so darn hot that I didn't even want to go outside a lot to play because it's the whole conundrum i shower when i first wake up only to walk outside two hours later and be a huge sweat ball.

Thursday when he has his first FULL day of school, I have a hair appointment scheduled. I'm going to join the world of high maintenance and get some highlights. I thought of cutting it off but I do like it long, I just need to know what the heck to do with it. I even him-haw'd around with the thought of a body wave/large rollered perm. I love curls. I think that'd be a fun change and certainly give me some lift that I need.

Cross Timbers' MOPS meets this coming Wednesday (1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings) and I'm a table leader at that (table leaders meetings 2nd Sunday evenings of the month). I also do the newsletter for the entire membership for them. I'm a member at another MOPS group (meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays with playdates 1st and 3rd Fridays) but am just attending there as I'm thinking of joining the church and wanted to get plugged in to get a feel for it first. I'm still a Den Leader for Josh's Scout troop (meetings for an hour every Thursday) and am now the Pack Secretary (leaders meetings 2nd Wednesday evenings of the month). The district meetings are the 1st Thursday evening every month RIGHT after my den meetings so that'll be a fun day (not). The boys are in gymnastics now on Tuesday nights (Josh is in level 2) and I think I'm going to enroll him in a martial arts class too on Wednesdays. I'm a member of the GCS Mom's League (meets first Friday morning of the month) and I lead the Craft Club for them as well (we meet the 1st Wednesday evenings of the month).

I'm sure I've forgotten something as I'm going from memory but WOW that's a busy schedule. But honestly, I like it... gives me a purpose other than making sure my household runs and the work required to make that happen.


OH... and look at this... these are the photo winners from last year's classic. If you love to take photographs, this IS the place to be... color, beauty, majesty... it's just awwwwwwesome! I love this place. I can't wait for the Balloon Classic in 2008. I'll be bringing my boys to it. It's just such a beautiful place and I look forward to living there again.

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