
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A sighting of Rudolph

... oh wait... that's ME! Yes, I'm freakin SICK AGAIN! I haven't been this sick since I was a kid. Four major sicknesses in 2007. Good riddance to you man.

Woke up at about 2am on Friday FREEZING to death. Had a 103 fever... I have a horrible cough and think I could start my own snowball factory with as many kleenex as I've gone through... my nose looks like Rudolph. It's so sore.

I literally DO need the nighttime, coughing, sneezing, aching, fever... blah blah blah whatever it was so you can sleep medicine. Unfortunatley, for me stuff like that works for like 2 hours REALLY good and then I'm WIDE awake. Drives me nutso!

I avoided MOPS today because I didn't think anyone wanted to witness (by sight OR sound) me with a continual Kleenex nose blowing episode. Missed them. :( I did go up to the school to help my Wolves conduct the flag take down ceremony. It was great - they did a good job. Everyone wants the job to do something and it's greatness to see them all so eager to help. I wish we had more flags so I could give them a lot more to do! :) But, it's an achievement earned and we'll do it again soon so that the others can get a chance to participate. I sure miss our little Alex since he quit coming.

On another note....tomorrow is my birthday... I hit the big 3-5. Yuck. I think I'm going to go out to Irving and help my mom with the Blue Christmas toy drive if the "gem" that was supposed to have the list compiled for her has it completed. She had 20 or so volunteers ready to gather toys and meals for families but this wonderful woman dropped the ball. Oh ... Lord help them! They're going to be running late now!

Tomorrow is also our Cub Scout Pack meeting... our toy drive... it'll be fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know it's late and I am just in under the wire but Happy Birthday and I hope you feel better!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.